MATLAB and Simulink Based Books

Computer Programming with MATLAB

Written for high school students and undergraduate students,Computer Programming with MATLAB(available as an eBook) teaches computer programming and introductory computer science to novices using the MATLAB system and language. The book places more emphasis on the general concepts from the discipline of computer science than does the typical introduction to MATLAB. Topics include matrices and operators, functions, control constructs, linear algebra, and object oriented programming. The latest edition of the book includes links to over 11 hours ofonline video lecturescovering the main concepts.

MATLABis used to solve numerous examples in the book. In addition, a supplemental set of MATLAB code files is available for download.

About This Book

J. Michael Fitzpatrick,Vanderbilt University
Ákos Lédeczi,Vanderbilt University

Fitzle, 2013

ISBN: 978-0-615-75113-9
Language: English

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