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计算重力和磁场对任何效果t on Earth

Calculate gravity and magnetic fields using standards such as 1984 World Geodetic System, 1996 Earth Geopotential Model (EGM96), the World Magnetic Model (WMM), International Geomagnetic Reference Field, and Spherical Harmony Gravity. Download ephemeris data for the Geoid Height block using theaeroDataPackagefunction.


Centrifugal Effect Model Implement mathematical representation of centrifugal effect for planetary gravity
Geoid Height Calculate undulations/height
International Geomagnetic Reference Field Calculate Earth magnetic field and secular variation using International Geomagnetic Reference Field
Spherical Harmonic Gravity Model Implement spherical harmonic representation of planetary gravity
WGS84 Gravity Model Implement 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84) representation of Earth's gravity
World Magnetic Model Calculate Earth's magnetic field at specific location and time using World Magnetic Model
Zonal Harmonic Gravity Model Calculate zonal harmonic representation of planetary gravity