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Set Up Bug Finder Analysis on Servers During Continuous Integration

Check C/C++ code for defects after code submission and upload results for review in web interface

You can check your code with Bug Finder as part of post-submission testing. Set up scripts that run a Bug Finder analysis at regular intervals or based on new submissions. The scripts can upload the analysis results for review in the Polyspace®Access web interface and send emails to owners of source files with Polyspace findings.

DOS/UNIX Commands

polyspace-access (DOS/UNIX) Manage upload, download or export ofPolyspaceresults from thePolyspaceAccess web interface
polyspace-bug-finder-server (DOS / UNIX)服务器上运行一个Bug仪分析fromWindows,Linux, or other command line
polyspace-comments-import (DOS/UNIX) Import review information from previousPolyspaceanalysis
polyspace-configure (DOS/UNIX) CreatePolyspaceproject from your build system at the DOS or UNIX command line
polyspace-report-generator (DOS/UNIX) Generate reports forPolyspaceanalysis results stored locally or on Polyspace Access
polyspace-results-export (DOS/UNIX) ExportPolyspaceresults to external formats such as CSV or JSON


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polyspaceroot GetPolyspaceinstallation folder
polyspaceBugFinderServer Run analysis withPolyspaceBug Finder服务器usingMATLABscripts
polyspaceConfigure CreatePolyspaceproject from your build system at theMATLABcommand line
polyspace_report Generate reports fromPolyspaceanalysis results
polyspacePackNGo 生成文件和包选项s to runPolyspaceanalysis on code generated from万博1manbetxmodel
polyspacesetup IntegratePolyspaceinstallation with万博1manbetx
polyspace.Project RunPolyspaceanalysis on C and C++ code and read results
polyspace.GenericTargetOptions Create a generic target configuration
polyspace.DefectsOptions Create custom list of defects to check
polyspace.CodingRulesOptions Create custom list of coding rules to check
polyspace.BugFinderResults ReadPolyspaceBug Finderresults fromMATLAB
polyspace.Project.Configuration Properties CustomizePolyspaceanalysis of handwritten code with options object properties
