
Build Configuration

Configuration of build settings such as output file name, location, type, language

为了控制和配置生成二进制代码的构建过程,有许多参数和设置。这些设置控制属性,例如输出构建类型(MEX,LIB,DLL或EXE)和C与C ++语言。其他构建设置使您可以根据特定需求(例如可读性,性能和外部代码集成)自定义构建输出。您可以从应用程序或命令行中修改代码生成配置对象中的构建选项。您可以使用代码r.config. Open the object in the editing app by usingopen. To specify additional build files and flags from inside your function code, use编码器。UpdateBuildInfo.


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代码r.config 创造MATLAB编码器代码generation configuration objects
编码器。UpdateBuildInfo 更新构建信息对象RTW.BuildInfo
target.add Add target object to internal database
target。创建 创造target object
target.export Export target object data
target.get 从内部数据库中检索目标对象
target.remove 从内部数据库中删除目标对象
target.upgrade Upgrade existing definitions of hardware devices
addCompileFlags Add compiler options to build information
adddefines Add preprocessor macro definitions to build information
addIncludeFiles 添加包含文件以构建信息
添加c Add include paths to build information
addLinkFlags 添加链接选项来构建信息
addLinkObjects 添加链接对象构建信息
addNonBuildFiles Add nonbuild-related files to build information
Addsourcefiles Add source files to build information
AddSourcePath Add source paths to build information
addtmftokens 添加模板makefile(TMF)令牌以构建信息
删除 从构建信息对象中删除源文件
findBuildArg Find a specific build argument in build information
findIncludeFiles Find and add include (header) files to build information
getBuildArgs Get build arguments from build information
getCompileFlags Get compiler options from build information
getDefines 从构建信息中获取预处理器宏定义
getFullFileList Get list of files from build information
getincludefiles 从构建信息中获取文件
getIncludePaths Get include paths from build information
getLinkFlags Get link options from build information
getNonBuildFiles Get nonbuild-related files from build information
getSourceFiles Get source files from build information
GetSourcePath Get source paths from build information
setTargetProvidesMain 禁用提供的代码生成器(生成或静态)main.csource file during build
updateFilePathsAndExtensions 在构建信息中更新文件,其中缺少路径和文件扩展名
UpdateFileSeparator Update file separator character for file lists in build information


target.Alias 为目标对象创建替代标识符
target.LanguageImplementation Provide C and C++ compiler implementation details
target.Object Base class for target types
Target.Sroucessor Provide target processor information
代码r.ExternalDependency Interface to external code


coder.mexcodeconfig MEX功能生成的配置参数MATLAB代码
Coder.CodeConfig Configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLAB代码
代码r.EmbeddedCodeConfig Configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLAB代码with嵌入式编码器
编码器 C/C ++代码生成的硬件特定配置参数MATLAB代码
代码r.hardware 创造hardware board configuration object for C/C++ code generation fromMATLAB代码
编码器。替代类型 配置参数以指定自定义名称MATLABC/C ++代码生成中的内置数据类型
RTW.BuildInfo Provide information for compiling and linking generated code


target 管理目标硬件信息


Build Configuration Basics

Specific Build Options
