

Site and terrain visualization, propagation model specification (including Longley-Rice), signal strength, signal coverage maps, and static and fading channel models

RF path propagation modeling describes the behavior of electromagnetic radiation from a point of transmission as the signal travels through the surrounding environment. Model RF propagation paths and visualize them in 3-D.

渠道建模描述了通信系统链接中的无线环境。在不同情况下,电磁波如何从发射器到接收器产生电磁波损失,对传播和通道建模的分析至关重要。模型并可视化具有Rayleigh,Rician或Winner II褪色曲线的嘈杂的Siso和Mimo通道。还提供大气障碍和多个多普勒光谱形状。


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Map Data

addCustomBasemap Add custom basemap
addCustomTerrain Add custom terrain data
删除CustomBasemap Remove custom basemap
删除CustomTerrain 删除自定义地形数据


show Show site in Site Viewer
hide Hide site from Site Viewer
distance Distance between sites
angle Angle between sites
海拔 Elevation of site
location 从站点坐标的距离和角度


coverage Display or compute coverage map
pattern Display antenna radiation pattern in Site Viewer
sinr Display or compute signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) ratio
关联 Display or compute communication link status
sigstrength Received signal strength
Raytrace Display or compute RF propagation rays
los Display or compute line-of-sight (LOS) visibility status
propagationModel 创建RF传播模型
pathloss Path loss of radio wave propagation

Path Loss

cranerainpl RF信号衰减是由于降雨using Crane model
rainpl RF信号衰减是由于降雨
gaspl RF signal attenuation due to atmospheric gases
fogpl RF信号衰减是由于雾和云而引起的
FSPL Free space path loss
Raypl Path loss and phase change for RF propagation ray
建筑物质量 Permittivity and conductivity of building materials
earthSurfacePermittivity 地面材料的介电和电导率

Channel Modeling

AWGN Add white Gaussian noise to signal
bsc Binary symmetric channel
convertSNR Convert SNR values
stdchan 构造渠道System objectfrom set of standardized channel models


winner2.AntennaArray Create antenna array
winner2.dipole 计算半波长偶极子的场图
winner2.layoutparset WINNER II layout parameter configuration
winner2.wim Generate channel coefficients using WINNER II channel model
winner2.wimparset 获胜者II模型参数配置


多普勒 Construct Doppler spectrum structure


rangeangle Range and angle calculation
global2localcoord Convert global to local coordinates
local2globalcoord Convert local to global coordinates
CART2SPHVEC Convert vector from Cartesian components to spherical representation
sph2cartvec Convert vector from spherical basis components to Cartesian components


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txsite Create RF transmitter site
rxsite 创建RF接收器网站
siteviewer 创建站点查看器
arrayConfig 创建分阶段阵列配置

Propagation Models

FreeSpace Free space propagation model
雨propagation model
Gas Gas propagation model
Fog Fog propagation model
逼近 Close-in propagation model
Longleyrice Longley-Rice propagation model
RayTracing Ray tracing propagation model

Propagation Data

propagationData 从测量中创建RF传播数据
comm.ray Create RF propagation ray
comm.AWGNChannel 将白色高斯噪声添加到输入信号
comm.rayTracingChannel Filter signal through multipath fading channel defined by propagation rays
comm.rayleighChannel Filter input signal through multipath Rayleigh fading channel
COMM.RICIANCHANNEL Filter input signal through multipath Rician fading channel
Comm.Mimochannel Filter input signal through MIMO multipath fading channel
comm.WINNER2Channel Filter input signal through WINNER II fading channel
comm.gpu.AWGNChannel 使用GPU添加白色高斯噪声到输入信号
comm.ChannelFilter Filter signal using multipath gains at specified path delays
comm.ThermalNoise Add thermal noise to signal


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自由空间路径损失 Apply free space path loss to complex signal
AWGN Channel 将白色高斯噪声添加到输入信号
SISO Fading Channel Filter input signal through SISO multipath fading channel
MIMO Fading Channel Filter input signal through MIMO multipath fading channel
Binary Symmetric Channel 引入二进制错误


RF Propagation

Channel Modeling