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Retrieve Money.Net option symbols



o= optionchain(c,s)returns the option symbols using the Money.Net connectioncand symbols.


collapse all

Create Money.Net connectioncusing a user name and password.

username =''; pwd ='999999'; c = moneynet(username,pwd);

Retrieve option symbolsofor the symbol IBM®.

s ='IBM'; o = optionchain(c,s);

ois a cell array of character vectors. Each character vector is an option symbol.

Display the first three option symbols.

ans = 3×1 cell array 'O:IBM\16Q13\130 .0' 'O:IBM\16E27\148 .0' 'O:IBM\16Q20\138 .0'

Retrieve current data for the first option symbolo(1)and display it. Specify fieldsffor describing the option symbol:

  • 选择符号描述

  • Option symbol strike

  • Option symbol expiration date

symbol = o(1); f = {'Description','Strike','Expiration'}; d = getdata(c,symbol,f)
d = Symbol Description Strike Expiration ____________________ ___________________________ ______ __________ 'O:IBM\16F24\131 .0' 'IBM Call 06/24/2016 131.0' 131 06/24/16

dis a table with one row of data. The data contains the option symbol name in the first column and a column for each specified fieldf.

To retrieve intraday data, usetimeseries.

Close the Money.Net connection.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Money.Net connection, specified as a connection object created usingmoneynet.

Money.Net symbol, specified as a character vector, cell array of a character vector, or string scalar to denote one symbol.


Data Types:char|cell|string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Option symbols, returned as a cell array of character vectors. Each character vector specifies one option symbol. The total number of option symbols depends on the symbols.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b