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Sequence unfolding layer


A sequence unfolding layer restores the sequence structure of the input data after sequence folding.

To use a sequence unfolding layer, you must connect theminiBatchSizeoutput of the corresponding sequence folding layer to theminiBatchSizeinput of the sequence unfolding layer. For an example, seeCreate Network for Video Classification.



layer= sequenceUnfoldingLayercreates a sequence unfolding layer.


layer= sequenceUnfoldingLayer('Name',Name)creates a sequence unfolding layer and sets the optionalNameproperty using a name-value pair. For example,sequenceUnfoldingLayer('Name','unfold1')creates a sequence unfolding layer with the name'unfold1'. Enclose the property name in single quotes.


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Layer name, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. ForLayerarray input, thetrainNetwork,assembleNetwork,layerGraph, anddlnetworkfunctions automatically assign names to layers with name''.

Data Types:char|string

Number of inputs of the layer.

This layer has two inputs:

  • 'in'– Input feature map.

  • 'miniBatchSize'– Size of the mini-batch from the corresponding sequence folding layer. This output must be connected to the'miniBatchSize'output of the corresponding sequence folding layer.

Data Types:double

Input names of the layer.

This layer has two inputs:

  • 'in'– Input feature map.

  • 'miniBatchSize'– Size of the mini-batch from the corresponding sequence folding layer. This output must be connected to the'miniBatchSize'output of the corresponding sequence folding layer.

Data Types:cell

This property is read-only.

Number of outputs of the layer. This layer has a single output only.

Data Types:double

This property is read-only.

Output names of the layer. This layer has a single output only.

Data Types:cell


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Create a sequence unfolding layer with the name'unfold1'.

layer = sequenceUnfoldingLayer('Name','unfold1')
layer = SequenceUnfoldingLayer with properties: Name: 'unfold1' NumInputs: 2 InputNames: {'in' 'miniBatchSize'}

Create a deep learning network for data containing sequences of images, such as video and medical image data.

  • To input sequences of images into a network, use a sequence input layer.

  • To apply convolutional operations independently to each time step, first convert the sequences of images to an array of images using a sequence folding layer.

  • To restore the sequence structure after performing these operations, convert this array of images back to image sequences using a sequence unfolding layer.

  • To convert images to feature vectors, use a flatten layer.

然后您可以输入向量序列LSTM和BiLSTM layers.

Define Network Architecture

Create a classification LSTM network that classifies sequences of 28-by-28 grayscale images into 10 classes.

Define the following network architecture:

  • A sequence input layer with an input size of[28 28 1].

  • A convolution, batch normalization, and ReLU layer block with 20 5-by-5 filters.

  • An LSTM layer with 200 hidden units that outputs the last time step only.

  • A fully connected layer of size 10 (the number of classes) followed by a softmax layer and a classification layer.

To perform the convolutional operations on each time step independently, include a sequence folding layer before the convolutional layers. LSTM layers expect vector sequence input. To restore the sequence structure and reshape the output of the convolutional layers to sequences of feature vectors, insert a sequence unfolding layer and a flatten layer between the convolutional layers and the LSTM layer.

inputSize = [28 28 1]; filterSize = 5; numFilters = 20; numHiddenUnits = 200; numClasses = 10; layers = [...sequenceInputLayer(inputSize,'Name','input') sequenceFoldingLayer('Name','fold') convolution2dLayer(filterSize,numFilters,'Name','conv') batchNormalizationLayer('Name','bn') reluLayer('Name','relu') sequenceUnfoldingLayer('Name','unfold') flattenLayer('Name','flatten') lstmLayer(numHiddenUnits,'OutputMode','last','Name','lstm') fullyConnectedLayer(numClasses,'Name','fc') softmaxLayer('Name','softmax') classificationLayer('Name','classification')];

Convert the layers to a layer graph and connect theminiBatchSizeoutput of the sequence folding layer to the corresponding input of the sequence unfolding layer.

lgraph = layerGraph(layers); lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph,'fold/miniBatchSize','unfold/miniBatchSize');

View the final network architecture using theplotfunction.

figure plot(lgraph)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type graphplot.

Extended Capabilities

GPU Code Generation
Generate CUDA® code for NVIDIA® GPUs using GPU Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a