
Create Actor and Vehicle Trajectories Programmatically

This example shows how to programmatically create actor and vehicle trajectories for a driving scenario using Automated Driving Toolbox™ functions. To create actor and vehicle trajectories interactively, use the驾驶场景设计师应用程序。

Actors and Vehicles

Actors in a driving scenario are defined as cuboid objects with a specific length, width, and height. Actors also have a radar cross section (specified in dBsm) which you can refine by defining angular coordinates (azimuth and elevation). Cuboid driving scenarios define the position of an actor as the center of its bottom face. Driving scenarios use this point as the point of contact of the actor with the ground. This point is also the rotational center of the actor.

A vehicle is a special kind of actor that moves on wheels. Vehicles possess three extra properties that govern the placement of the front and rear axle.

  • Thewheelbaseis the distance between the front and rear axles.

  • Thefront overhang前轴之间的距离是nd the front of the vehicle.

  • Therear overhang是后轴和车辆后方之间的距离。

Unlike actors, the position of a vehicle is on the ground at the center of the rear axle. This position corresponds to the natural center of rotation of the vehicle.

This table shows a typical list of actors and their corresponding dimensions:

This code plots the position of an actor, with the dimensions of a typical human, and a vehicle in a driving scenario. The actor and vehicle are located at positions (0, 2) and (0, –2), respectively.

方案= drivingscenario;a = actor(scenario,'ClassID',1,'长度',0.24,'Width',0.45,'高度', 1.7);passingCar =车辆(场景中,'ClassID',1);a.Position = [0 2 0] passingCar.Position = [0 -2 0] plot(scenario) ylim([-4 4])
a = Actor with properties: EntryTime: 0 ExitTime: Inf ActorID: 1 ClassID: 1 Name: "" PlotColor: [0 0.4470 0.7410] Position: [0 2 0] Velocity: [0 0 0] Yaw: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 AngularVelocity: [0 0 0] Length: 0.2400 Width: 0.4500 Height: 1.7000 Mesh: [1x1 extendedObjectMesh] RCSPattern: [2x2 double] RCSAzimuthAngles: [-180 180] RCSElevationAngles: [-90 90] passingCar = Vehicle with properties: FrontOverhang: 0.9000 RearOverhang: 1 Wheelbase: 2.8000 EntryTime: 0 ExitTime: Inf ActorID: 2 ClassID: 1 Name: "" PlotColor: [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] Position: [0 -2 0] Velocity: [0 0 0] Yaw: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 AngularVelocity: [0 0 0] Length: 4.7000 Width: 1.8000 Height: 1.4000 Mesh: [1x1 extendedObjectMesh] RCSPattern: [2x2 double] RCSAzimuthAngles: [-180 180] RCSElevationAngles: [-90 90]

默认情况下,场景图显示了演员的高架视图。要更改此视图,您可以通过选择“Camera Toolbaravailable in theViewmenu of the plot. Alternatively, you can programmatically manipulate the plot by using functions such asxlim,ylim,Zlim, 和view. These functions enable you to compare the relative heights of the actors.

Zlim([0 4]) view(-60,30)

Define Trajectories

By using the年代moothTrajectory功能,您可以指定行为者和车辆以一组给定的速度沿一组航路点沿着路径。指定航路点时年代moothTrajectoryfunction fits a piecewise clothoid curve to each segment between waypoints, preserving curvature between points. Clothoid curves have a curvature that varies linearly with distance traveled, which creates a very simple trajectory for drivers to navigate when traveling at constant velocity.

By default, actor trajectories have no curvature at the endpoints. To complete a loop, specify identical first and last waypoints.

To follow the entire trajectory at a constant speed, specify the speed as a scalar value.

Vehicles pass through the curve between waypoints at their rotational centers. Therefore, to accommodate the length of the vehicle in front of and behind the rear axle during simulation, you can offset the beginning and ending waypoints. Offsetting these waypoints fits the vehicle completely within the road at its endpoints.

If the vehicle needs to turn quickly to avoid an obstacle, place two points close together in the intended direction of travel. This example shows a vehicle turning quickly at two places, but otherwise steering normally.

方案= drivingscenario;road(scenario, [0 0; 10 0; 53 -20],'lanes',lanespec(2)); plot(scenario,'Waypoints','on') idleCar = vehicle(scenario,'ClassID',1,'位置',[25 -5.5 0],'Yaw',-22);passingCar =车辆(场景中,'ClassID',1) waypoints = [1 -1.5; 16.36 -2.5; 17.35 -2.765; 23.83 -2.01; 24.9 -2.4; 50.5 -16.7]; speed = 15; smoothTrajectory(passingCar,waypoints,speed)
passingCar = Vehicle with properties: FrontOverhang: 0.9000 RearOverhang: 1 Wheelbase: 2.8000 EntryTime: 0 ExitTime: Inf ActorID: 2 ClassID: 1 Name: "" PlotColor: [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] Position: [0 0 0] Velocity: [0 0 0] Yaw: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 AngularVelocity: [0 0 0] Length: 4.7000 Width: 1.8000 Height: 1.4000 Mesh: [1x1 extendedObjectMesh] RCSPattern: [2x2 double] RCSAzimuthAngles: [-180 180] RCSElevationAngles: [-90 90]

Alternatively, you can use fewer waypoints at such turns by explicitly setting the yaw orientation angle of the vehicle at each waypoint. Yaw is positive in the counterclockwise direction, and its units are in degrees. In this variation of the previous example, the trajectory is constrained such that the vehicle is at a –15 degree angle after moving into the left lane. By setting a waypoint toNaN,年代moothTrajectoryfunction defaults to fitting a clothoid curve to the segment leading up that waypoint. In this case, that segment is the final one in the trajectory.

Waypoints = [1 -1.5;16.6 -2.1;23.7 -0.9;52.2 -17.6];yaw = [0;0;-15;nan];光滑的标题(传球,航路点,速度,'Yaw',yaw)

Turning and Braking at Intersections

For sharp turns, either define waypoints close together at the start and end of the turn or explicitly set the yaw of the vehicle at each waypoint. This setting faithfully renders the sudden change in steering.

In this example, a vehicle makes a sharp left turn at an intersection using explicitly set yaw values. At the first waypoint and the waypoint before the turn, the vehicle has a yaw of 0 degrees. At the waypoint after the turn and the final waypoint, the vehicle has a yaw of 90 degrees, which is the orientation of the vehicle after completing the turn. By constraining the trajectory such that the vehicle achieves these yaw orientations, the vehicle turn is much sharper than if you had used the default yaw orientations.

The年代moothTrajectoryfunction generates a smooth, jerk-limited trajectory, with no discontinuities in acceleration between waypoints. When varying vehicle speeds, such as by slowing down at a turn, the distances between waypoints must be great enough for the vehicle to reach the desired speed while maintaining smooth acceleration throughout. Alternatively, at shorter distances, the changes in speeds must be relatively small. In this example, the vehicle decelerates from a speed of 6 m/s to 5 m/s as it enters the turn. After completing the turn, the vehicle accelerates back to its original speed.

方案= drivingscenario;路(场景,[0 -25; 0 25],'lanes',lanespec([1 1]));road(scenario,[-25 0; 25 0],'lanes',lanespec([1 1]));turningcar =车辆(方案,'ClassID',1);WayPoints = [-20 -2;-5 -2;2 5;2 20];速度= [6 5 5 6];yaw = [0 0 90 90];光滑的标题(转车,航路点,速度,'Yaw',yaw) plot(scenario,'Waypoints','on')

Move Vehicles

After you define all the roads, actors, and actor trajectories, you can increment the position of each actor by using theadvancefunction on the driving scenario in a loop.

尽管advance(scenario) pause(0.01)end

Move Vehicles in Reverse

要指定反向驾驶运动,请指定具有负速度的轨迹。在向前和反向运动之间切换时,您必须在具有的速度的这些动作之间指定0. At this waypoint, the vehicle decelerates until it comes to a complete stop, and then changes driving directions.


方案= drivingscenario;路(场景,[0 -25; 0 25],'lanes',lanespec([1 1]));road(scenario,[-25 0; 25 0],'lanes',lanespec([1 1]));turningcar =车辆(方案,'ClassID',1);WayPoints = [-20 -2;-5 -2;2 5;2 20; 2 5; 5 2; -20 2]; speed = [6 5 5 0 -2 0 5]; yaw = [0 0 90 90 -90 0 -180]; smoothTrajectory(turningCar,waypoints,speed,'Yaw',yaw) plot(scenario,'Waypoints','on')尽管advance(scenario) pause(0.001)end

Next Steps

This example showed how to create actor and vehicle trajectories for a driving scenario using adrivingScenarioobject. To simulate, visualize, or modify this driving scenario in an interactive environment, try importing thedrivingScenarioobject into the驾驶场景设计师app by using this command:


See Also



