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Fixed-Point Design

Floating-point to fixed-point conversion, fixed-point algorithm design

To model fixed-point signal processing algorithms and analyze the effects of quantization on system behavior and performance, you can use the DSP System Toolbox™ and Fixed-Point Designer™ functionality. For a list of DSP System Toolbox System objects and blocks that support fixed-point operations, seeSystem Objects in DSP System Toolbox that Support Fixed-Point DesignandSimulink Blocks in DSP System Toolbox that Support Fixed-Point Design.

Perform design tradeoff analyses and optimizations on these algorithms by simulating them with different word lengths, scaling, overflow handling, and rounding method choices before you commit to hardware. For an example that shows how to optimize fixed-point algorithms, seeOptimized Fixed-Point FIR Filters. You can design floating-point filters and convert the filters into fixed-point using the Fixed-Point Designer. For an example, seeConvert dsp.FIRFilter Object to Fixed-Point Using the Fixed-Point Converter App. This design workflow enables you to optimize the fixed-point filters and analyze the quantization effects.
