

Deploy generated code toNVIDIA®Tegra®硬件目标

You can use GPU Coder™ with theMATLAB®Coder™ Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson®and NVIDIA DRIVE®Platformsto deploy your MATLAB algorithms on embedded NVIDIA GPUs. Specifically, you can target the NVIDIA Jetson and DRIVE family of boards on either Windows®or Linux®systems. The support package enables you to remotely communicate with the NVIDIA target and control the peripheral devices for prototyping. The MATLAB entry-point function is deployed as a standalone executable that continues to run even if the hardware live connection is disconnected from the host computer.

要安装此支持软件包,请在MATL万博1manbetxAB中使用附加探索器。有关受支持开发平台的信息,请参见万博1manbetxInstall and Setup Prerequisites for NVIDIA Boards(MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson and NVIDIA DRIVE Platforms)


从R2021a开始,GPU Coder Support Package for NVIDIA GPUs被称为MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson and NVIDIA DRIVE Platforms。要在R2021A中使用此万博1manbetx支持包,您必须拥有MATLAB Coderproduct.


packNGo Package generated code in ZIP file for relocation
代码gen 从中生成C/C ++代码MATLAB代码
jetson Create connection toNVIDIAJetsonhardware
drive Create connection toNVIDIA DRIVEhardware


代码r.hardware Create hardware board configuration object for C/C++ code generation fromMATLAB代码
jetson 连接到NVIDIAJetsonhardware
drive 连接到NVIDIA DRIVEhardware


