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Volume Viewer 查看体积数据和标记的体积数据
音量分段 Segment 3-D grayscale or RGB volumetric images


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volshow 显示卷
labelvolshow Display labeled volume
sliceViewer 浏览图像切片
Orthosliceviewer Browse orthogonal slices in grayscale or RGB volume
obliqueslice Extract oblique slice from 3-D volumetric data
Adaptthresh 使用本地一阶统计信息自适应图像阈值
dicomread Read DICOM image
Dicomreadvolume 从DICOM图像集创建4-D体积
dicomContours Extract ROI data from DICOM-RT structure set
imbinarize 通过阈值二进制2-D灰度图像或3-D体积
niftiinfo 从NIFTI文件中读取元数据
niftiwrite Write volume to file using NIfTI format
niftiread Read NIfTI image
tiffreadVolume Read volume from TIFF file
imabsdiff 两个图像的绝对差异
Imadd 添加两个图像或添加常量为图像
Imdivide 将一个图像分为另一个图像或将图像除以常数
immultiply Multiply two images or multiply image by constant
imSuttract Subtract one image from another or subtract constant from image
仿射3D 3-D affine geometric transformation
imcrop3 Crop 3-D image
imref3d 参考3-D图像到世界坐标
imregister Intensity-based image registration
imregdemons 估计位移字段,与两个2-D或3-D图像对齐
Imresize3 调整3D体积强度图像大小
imrotate3 旋转3-D体积灰度图像
IMWARP 将几何变换应用于图像
光纤 使用Frangi容器过滤器增强图像中的细长或管状结构
fspecial3 创建预定义的3-D过滤器
Histeq 使用直方图均衡增强对比度
imadjustn 调整强度值n-D体积图像
imboxfilt3 3-D盒过滤3-D图像
Imfilter n-D filtering of multidimensional images
imgaussfilt3 3-D高斯滤波3-D图像
ImhistMatchn Adjust histogram of N-D image to match histogram of reference image
imnoise Add noise to image
IntegralBoxFilter3 3-D box filtering of 3-D integral images
整数图3 计算3-D积分图像
medfilt3 3-D中值过滤
Bwareaopen Remove small objects from binary image
BWConnComp 在二进制图像中查找并计算连接的组件
bwmorph3 Morphological operations on binary volume
bwskel Reduce all objects to lines in 2-D binary image or 3-D binary volume
imbothat 底帽过滤
imclose Morphologically close image
不断增加 扩张图像
imerode Erode image
iMopen 形态上开放的图像
imreconstruct 形态重建
Imrigionalmax Regional maxima
Imrigionalmin 区域最小
imtophat 顶帽过滤
offsetstrel 形态偏移结构元件
Strel Morphological structuring element
分水岭 Watershed transform
ActiveContour Segment image into foreground and background using active contours (snakes) region growing technique
BFSCORE Contour matching score for image segmentation
dice Sørensen-DICE相似性系数用于图像分割
梯度重量 根据图像梯度计算图像像素的权重
graydiffweight Calculate weights for image pixels based on grayscale intensity difference
imsegfmm Binary image segmentation using fast marching method
Imsegkmeans3 K-means clustering based volume segmentation
jaccard Jaccard similarity coefficient for image segmentation
Superpixels3 3-D superpixel oversegmentation of 3-D image
bwselect3 在二进制卷中选择对象
edge3 在3-D灰度卷中查找边缘
imgradient3 找到3-D图像的梯度幅度和方向
Imgradientxyz 找到3-D图像的定向梯度
imhist 图像数据的直方图
RegionProps3 Measure properties of 3-D volumetric image regions
RandompatchExtractionDatastore 用于从图像或像素标签图像中提取随机2-D或3-D随机补丁的数据存储
Centercropwindow3d Create cuboidal center cropping window
RandomCropWindow3D 创建随机的立方种植窗口
randomAffine3d Create randomized 3-D affine transformation
affineOutputView Create output view for warping images
