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Image Segmenter

段的image by refining regions


TheImage Segmenterapp lets you create a segmentation mask using automatic algorithms such as flood fill, semi-automatic techniques such as graph cut, and manual techniques such as drawing ROIs. You can also refine masks using morphology or an iterative approach such as active contours (also calledsnakes). For more information about creating, refining, and exporting a segmentation mask, seeGetting Started with Image Segmenter App.

Open the Image Segmenter App

  • MATLAB®Toolstrip: Open theAppstab, underImage Processing and Computer Vision, click the Image Segmenter app icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: EnterimageSegmenter.

Programmatic Use

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imageSegmenteropens the Image Segmenter app, which enables you to create a segmentation mask of an image by using active contours.

imageSegmenter(I)opens the Image Segmenter app, loading the imageIinto the app.

imageSegmenter closecloses all open instances of the Image Segmenter app.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b