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Create System Objects

Write a MATLAB®class that creates and defines a new System object™

You can define your own System object by customizing the implementation methods. Use graphical tools to explore the comprehensive API for creating System objects. For example, you can insert methods to initialize, run, reset, and terminate System objects. For an introduction to defining a System object, seeDefine Basic System Objects.


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setupImpl InitializeSystem object
stepImpl System output and state update equations
resetImpl ResetSystem objectstates
releaseImpl Release resources
infoImpl Information aboutSystem object
isDoneImpl End-of-data flag
isInactivePropertyImpl Status of inactive property
isTunablePropertyDataTypeMutableImpl Set whether tunable properties can change data type
isDiscreteStateSpecificationMutableImpl Control whether discrete states can change data type
processTunedPropertiesImpl Action when tunable properties change
setProperties Set property values using name-value pairs when creatingSystem object
validatePropertiesImpl Validate property values ofSystem object
getPropertyGroupsImpl Property groups for System object display
getNumInputsImpl Number of inputs to the System object
getNumOutputsImpl Number of outputs fromSystem object
getNumInputs Number of inputs required to call theSystem object
getNumOutputs Number of outputs from calling theSystem object
isInputComplexityMutableImpl Set whether System object input complexity can change
isInputDataTypeMutableImpl Set whether System object input data type can change
isInputSizeMutableImpl Set whether System object input size can change
nargin Number of input arguments forSystem object
nargout Number of output arguments forSystem object
processInputSpecificationChangeImpl Perform actions when input size, complexity, or data type change
validateInputsImpl Validate inputs toSystem object
loadObjectImpl LoadSystem objectfrom MAT file
saveObjectImpl SaveSystem objectin MAT file
sysobjupdate Update customSystem objectto latest syntax


matlab.System Base class for System objects
matlab.system.mixin.FiniteSource Finite source mixin class


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