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Visual Exploration

Pan, zoom, and rotate graphics; modify and save observations

Interactively explore and edit plotted data to improve the visual display or reveal additional information about the data. For example, you can adjust the view of plotted data by panning, zooming, or rotating the axes. Also, you can modify the data points using data brushing or edit the appearance of plots using the Property Inspector. For more information, seeInteractively Explore Plotted Data.


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Property Inspector Open property inspector
plotedit Interactively edit and annotate plots
plottools (Not recommended) Show or hide plot tools
showplottool (Not recommended) Show or hide specified plot tool
figurepalette (Not recommended) Show or hide the Figure Palette
plotbrowser (Not recommended) Show or hide the Plot Browser
propertyeditor (Not recommended) Show or hide the Property Editor
propedit (不推荐)适当的开放ty Editor

Customize Data Tips

datatip Create data tip
dataTipTextRow Add row to data tips

Customize Toolbar Buttons

axtoolbar Create axes toolbar
axtoolbarbtn Add buttons to axes toolbar
addToolbarExplorationButtons Add data exploration buttons to figure toolbar
removeToolbarExplorationButtons Remove data exploration buttons from figure toolbar
panInteraction Pan interaction
rulerPanInteraction Ruler-pan interaction
zoomInteraction Zoom interaction
regionZoomInteraction Region-zoom interaction
rotateInteraction 旋转互动
dataTipInteraction Data tip interaction
editInteraction Edit text interaction
enableDefaultInteractivity Enable built-in axes interactions
disableDefaultInteractivity Disable built-in axes interactions
pan Pan view of graph interactively
zoom Enable zoom mode
rotate3d Rotate 3-D view using mouse
datacursormode Enable data cursor mode
brush Interactively mark data values in a chart
enableLegacyExplorationModes Control behavior of modes in UI figures
linkdata Automatically update charted data
linkaxes Synchronize limits of multiple axes
linkprop Keep same value for corresponding properties of graphics objects
refreshdata Refresh charted data


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DataTipTemplate Properties Data tip content and appearance
AxesToolbar Properties Axes toolbar appearance and behavior
ToolbarStateButton Properties Axes toolbar state button appearance and behavior
ToolbarPushButton Properties Axes toolbar push button appearance and behavior
ToolbarDropdown Properties Modify drop-down menus in axes toolbar

Live Editor Tasks

Create Plot Interactively create and explore visualizations in the Live Editor
