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Test and Measurement

Waveform generation, visualization, and transmitter performance analysis

WLAN Toolbox™ provides functions that let you measure transmitter performance characteristics. The examples featured here demonstrate transmitter modeling and performance analysis. Communications Toolbox™ and DSP System Toolbox™ System objects provide additional quantitative tools for measuring system performance, and graphical utilities for visualizing waveforms.


WLAN Waveform Generator 创建、损害、可视化和WLAN wavefor出口ms


Waveform From Wireless Waveform Generator App Wireless waveform source exported to万博1manbetx


wlanWaveformGenerator Generate WLAN waveform
wlanReferenceSymbols Find reference symbols of constellation diagram
wlanClosestReferenceSymbol Find closest constellation points
wlanChannelFrequency Determine channel center frequency
wlanSpectralFlatness Test spectral flatness


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comm.ConstellationDiagram Display and analyze input signals in IQ-plane
dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer (To be removed) Display frequency spectrum of time-domain signals
timescope Display time-domain signals
dsp.ArrayPlot Display vectors or arrays
comm.ErrorRate Compute bit or symbol error rate of input data
comm.EVM Measure error vector magnitude (EVM) of received signal
