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version 1.3 (8.63 KB) by Jean-Luc Dellis
ZFIT is a function which can PLOT, SIMULATE and FIT impedance data


Updated24 Jan 2020

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% Zfit(data)
Plots the impedance DATA which has to be a 3-columns wise matrix [FREQ, RealZEXP, ImagZEXP]. Impedance, admittance, capacitance and modulus representations in the complex plane are then pushbutton obtainable.
The others usages are described in the help lines with examples too...

Cite As

Jean-Luc Dellis (2022).Zfit(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by:fminsearchbnd, fminsearchcon

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