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version 1.2 (4.83 MB) by Shubo Chakrabarti
This is a tutorial for key data analysis steps used by neuroscientists - filtering, spike extraction, PCA, clustering, and spectral analysis


UpdatedThu, 05 Aug 2021 12:36:09 +0000

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This tutorial shows how neuroscientists can use MATLAB to analyze neural signals. This includes best practices on
1. reading in diverse neural data
2. representing time-series data
3. filtering, smoothing, resampling data
4. clustering waveforms using PCA and Gaussian mixture models
5. frequency domain and time-frequency analyses
对于那些新的编程的人,可以使用MATLAB Signal Analyzer应用程序实现多个步骤,这是一个生成代码的点击点接口。
For mid-level programmers, this tutorial can be the starting point for more complicated signal processing and analysis workflows
For experts, this is a good tutorial for teaching the basics of neural signal analyses
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For a Japanese language version, check this entry

Cite As

Shubo Chakrabarti(2022)。Electrophysiology-Tutorial-for-Neuroscience(,github。检索.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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