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DO-178 is the de facto international safety standard used to certify commercial avionic system software; it is increasingly used in other sectors and applications. DO-278 is derived from DO-178 and used for ground-based and space-based software. DO-178C and DO-278A are the current versions. They were published in December 2011 along with supplemental documents that extend or modify DO-178 and DO-278 guidance for software processes that employ specific technologies or techniques.


  • DO-330,软件工具资格考虑
  • DO-331,基于模型的开发和验证补充到DO-178C和DO-278A
  • DO-332,面向对象的技术和相关技术补充到DO-178C和DO-278A
  • DO-333,正式的方法吃晚饭plement to DO-178C and DO-278A


做资格套件supports DO-178C and DO-330. It also provides workflow guidance, traceability matrix generation, and other artifacts that facilitate your use of万博1manbetx®and波尔盖斯®software tools for supplements including DO-331 and DO-333.

The tool user (not the tool vendor) is responsible for this qualification, and tool qualification must be done for each certification project.

Use Model-Based Design Workflows to show compliance with DO-178C and associated supplements

Use Model-Based Design Workflows to show compliance with DO-178C and associated supplements


DO-254.is the de facto international safety standard used to certify commercial avionic system hardware, specifically FPGAs and ASICs; it is increasingly used in other sectors and applications. It was published in April 2000.


做资格套件supports DO-254 for specific tools used in the verification processes. It also provides workflow guidance, traceability matrix generation, and other artifacts that facilitate your use of万博1manbetx®verification tools.

The tool user (not the tool vendor) is responsible for this qualification, and tool qualification must be done for each certification project.


Provide a complete certification package to certification authorities

做资格套件implements the tool qualification approach specified in DO-178C. To use DO Qualification Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Provide certification authorities with a tool qualification plan.
  2. Document tool operational requirements.
  3. 验证该工具满足工具操作要求,然后定义工具的限制和限制。
  4. Provide certification authorities with tool qualification results, including limitations and restrictions.

验证套件是否提供了上述步骤的指导和信息,并包括您需要符合资格的文档模板,测试用例和测试程序supported Simulink and Polyspace products

为了万博1manbetx支持的产品s manbetx 845那做资格套件includes these artifacts:

  • Tool qualification plan
  • 工具操作要求
  • Test cases, procedures, and results (with supporting documentation)

You need to execute the test cases and procedures from DO Qualification Kit in yourMATLAB®or波尔盖斯installation environment. You should then compare your generated test results with the expected results from the kit and work to eliminate any differences.万博1manbetxSimulink Report Generator™is required for qualifying万博1manbetxSimulink要求™Simulink Check™万博1manbetxSimulink Coverage™Simulink Code Inspector™andSimulink Test™

Note: Use of DO-178 qualified tools does not ensure the safety of the software or the system under consideration.

Use DO Qualification Kit to qualify verification tools in compliance with DO-178C and DO-254.

Use DO Qualification Kit to qualify verification tools in compliance with DO-178C and DO-254.

Certifying Systems

资格顾工具包提供了详细的工作流程吗idance needed for developing and verifying systems using Model-Based Design. The workflow guidance describes process, methods, and tools used for each software development and verification step from high-level requirements validation to executable object code verification. It clearly identifies tool independence paths. New concepts for Model-Based Design introduced in DO-331 are explained and illustrated, including the role of simulation test cases and model coverage.

使用DO Qualification Kit,您可以生成可追溯矩阵电子表格,显示到代码型双向跟踪性跟踪路径和文件信息。您还可以使用DO Qualification Kit来生成您可以存储和存档的报告错误列表万博1manbetxand波尔盖斯用于基于模型的设计的验证工具。

System Certification

System Certification