

生成便携式C/C ++/MEX功能,并使用GPU部署或加速处理

Audio Toolbox™ includes support to accelerate prototyping in MATLAB®and to generate code for deployment.

GPU Code Acceleration.To speed up your code while prototyping, Audio Toolbox includes functions that can execute on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). You can use thegpuArray(Parallel Computing Toolbox)功能以将数据传输到GPU,然后调用gather(Parallel Computing Toolbox)功能可从GPU检索输出数据。有关支持GPU上执行的音频工具箱函数列表,请参见万博1manbetxFunction List (gpuArraysupport)。你需要Parallel Computing Toolbox™ to enable GPU support.

C/C ++代码生成。After you develop your application, you can generate portable C/C++ source code, standalone executables, or standalone applications from your MATLAB code. C/C++ code generation enables you to run your simulation on machines that do not have MATLAB installed and to speed up processing while you work in MATLAB. For a list of Audio Toolbox functions that support C/C++ code generation, seeFunction List (C/C++ Code Generation)。你需要MATLAB Coder™生成C/C ++代码。

GPU代码生成。After you develop your application, you can generate optimized CUDA®NVIDIA的代码®MATLAB代码的GPU。该代码可以作为源代码,静态库或动态库集成到您的项目中,并可用于GPU上的原型。您还可以在MATLAB中使用生成的CUDA代码来加速机器学习,深度学习或其他应用程序中MATLAB代码的计算密集型部分。有关支持GPU代码生成的音频工具箱函数列表,请参见万博1manbetx功能列表(GPU代码生成)。你需要MATLAB Coder和GPU CODER™生成CUDA代码。


MATLAB Coder Generate C code or MEX function fromMATLAB代码
GPU编码器 Generate GPU code fromMATLAB代码


代码gen 从中生成C/C ++代码MATLAB代码
gather 将分布式阵列或GPUARRAY传输到本地工作区
gpuArray Array stored on GPU
