
Setup and Configuration

Install hardware support, update firmware, configure hardware connection

万博1manbetx万博1manbetx支持包鹦鹉轻巧– Key Capabilities

Deploy a Controller Designed in Simulink on Parrot Minidrone

Design controllers and deploy in Parrot®minidrone

Install Support Package and Launch Hardware Setup Screens


Install Support for Parrot minidrone

Connect鹦鹉Rolling Spider to视窗overBluetooth

Connect a Parrot Rolling Spider Minidrone to a Windows System Using Bluetooth

Connect Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone using Bluetooth on Windows

Connect鹦鹉Mambo和鹦鹉Rolling Spider toMacoverBluetooth


Connect Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone using Bluetooth onMac

Connect a Parrot Mambo Minidrone to a Mac Using Bluetooth

使用蓝牙连接鹦鹉Mambo MinidroneMac

Connect鹦鹉Mambo和鹦鹉Rolling Spider toLinuxoverBluetooth

Connect a Parrot Minidrone to a Linux System Using Bluetooth

Connect a Parrot minidrone using Bluetooth on Linux®

Remove the鹦鹉Firmware

Restore the Original Firmware

Restore the original firmware for your Parrot minidrone.


Common Scenarios during Bluetooth Setup

Identify and troubleshoot common scenarios while connecting to a Parrot minidrone using Bluetooth on Windows


Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to Windows system using Bluetooth


Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to Windows system using buit-in Bluetooth module or generic Bluetooth dongle

Troubleshooting Connection Settings in Mac

Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to aMacusing Bluetooth


Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to Linux system using Bluetooth

Disable Wi-Fi and LAN While Setting Up Parrot Rolling Spider Minidrone in Windows

Disable Wi-Fi®和局域网,设置鹦鹉滚动蜘蛛分钟idrone IP address in Windows

Troubleshooting Firmware Update Failure in Linux

Solve the problems that you might encounter while updating the firmware of Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone

Troubleshooting Java Exception Failures

Solve the Java exception failures that occur during the Hardware Setup process or during code deployment


Clear the internal memory of Parrot minidrone if you encounter some problems

鹦鹉MAMBO Minidrone的工厂重置

Perform a factory reset of Parrot Mambo minidrone if you encounter some problems