Set up Speedgoat target for use with MATLAB 2020b and later

51 views (last 30 days)
Satish Vedula
Satish Vedula on 3 May 2021
Edited: Stefanie Schwarz on 9 Dec 2021
I was able to connect to Speedgoat target using MATLAB 2019b version. Recently I have upgraded to MATLAB 2021a and when I try to connect to target machine. I get the following error message:
Cannotconnect to target 'TargetPC1': Cannot execute command on target
'TargetPC1': Cannot communicatewith target 'TargetPC1'.
Disconnectingdevelopment computer from target 'TargetPC1'.
The connection between Host and Target is through LAN Connection. Also, When I used to type command "speedgoat" in 2019b version the speedgoat configuration tab used to pop up.
But, when I type command "speedgoat" in command window of 2021a version the following error shows up :

Accepted Answer

Diego Kuratli
Diego Kuratli on 11 May 2021
If the "speedgoat" command does not work, the Speedgoat I/O Blockset is not installed. The Speedgoat I/O Blockset is available in the Speedgoat Customer Portal ( ).
Once the Speedgoat I/O Blockset is installed, please note that the update from R2019b to R2021a requires some extra steps. Here you can find a video that explains the update process:

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