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version (103 KB) by Martin Klein Schaarsberg
Save results of imviscircles with a specified transparent margin


Updated18 Sep 2014

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Save results of imviscircles with a specified transparent margin. Useful if you have dataset, where circles sometimes partially fall outside the main image. All circles will be visible and the transparent border will make sure the output image always has the same size and does not contain unnecessary margins. For this purpose, the margin should be set to the maximum radius in a dataset (or the maximum radius given to imfindcircles).
The images are saved using O.J. Woodford's export_fig

Cite As

Martin Klein Schaarsberg (2022).imsavecircles(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by:export_fig

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