Decoding Butterfly Flight with High-Speed Cameras and a Wind Tunnel


On a hot summer day,Lund University生物学家克里斯托弗·约翰逊(Christoffer Johansson)和亨宁森(Per Henningsson)穿过瑞典学校野战站附近草地的草地和野花。他们安静而故意朝着哈密瓜色的昆虫的短暂扑动,准备使用软织物网收集它。

The capture of silver-washed fritillary butterflies is far more than just a summer hobby for Johansson and Henningsson. They use slow-motion cameras and high-speed flow measurements to determine what gives these butterflies their distinct flight pattern. This discovery not only helps scientists better understand the life of this insect but could also help inform the design of next-generation drones.



“We normally spend most of the time in the lab,” says Johansson. “In this case, we actually spent a few days out in the meadows, capturing butterflies… But I would say the most fun and frustrating part is during the actual experiments in the wind tunnel. Even though we place the butterfly in a specific place, once it takes off, it can quickly move around the tunnel and disappear, only to reappear atop of the head of the researchers.”


Butterflies can fly not only in short bursts from flower to flower, but also in sustained migratory flights over long distances. The monarch’s migration, for example, from the U.S. to Mexico is more than 4,800 km (3,000 miles) one way.

And that’s not the only thing that makes butterfly flight unusual, says Johansson. They also have a body size–to-wing ratio unlike that of other insects, with unusually large wings for their small body size.




Butterfly takeoff with downstroke used for weight support and upstroke used to generate thrust. (Image credit: L. C. Johansson and P. Henningsson)


约翰逊说:“通常很难想象最终将要使用什么基础研究,但是在这种情况下,无人机有直接的应用。”“有今天飞行的无人机that use a clap mechanism to generate forces. It could be interesting for them to look into this proposed butterfly mechanism to improve drone wing flexibility and maximize the efficiency and force of the clapping.”

Capturing Butterfly Flight

研究小组将六枚银色洗薯条蝴蝶引入了隆德大学的循环风洞中,使用蜂蜜水喂食器吸引昆虫起飞。这条风隧道是独一无二的。它最初是为了研究鸟类飞行而建造的。隧道中的一个大风扇以每秒两米(4.5 mph)的速度循环空气,以防止蝴蝶太容易地远离球队的尺寸设置。

The team uses four high-speed cameras to record the air motion caused by the butterflies and another two cameras to capture the butterflies’ motion. The flow measurement technique, called tomographic particle image velocimetry, enables the researchers to create a 3D model of fluid flow; the team can then study the aerodynamic forces to understand how butterfly wings propel their flight. In this research, the focus was the jets of wind created when the butterflies clap their wings.

Tiny aerosol particles, only about 1 micrometer in size, are suspended in the wind tunnel. The high-speed cameras capture the motion of these particles as the butterflies fly through them in front of a sheet illuminated by laser light. In total, the team captured 25 sequences with one to three wingbeats each.



“MATLAB was, by far, our most useful tool on this project.”

隆德大学生物学家Christoffer Johansson
Illustration showing that the butterfly’s upstroke generates thrust.

在上风和拍打蝴蝶时产生的推力大约2毫秒-1。(图片来源:L。C. Johansson和P. Henningsson)

Mathworks的教育客户成功工程师Sagar Zade说:“ MATLAB被用来可视化流程并绘制实验的结果。”

Johansson和Henningsson还使用MATLAB来计算空气动力,确定拍手的空气动力,并使用Monte Carlo模拟估算背景功率。

Zade补充说:“这些实验发现的结果对于未来的研究人员来说非常有价值,他们希望使用MATLAB使用复杂的Navier Stokes方程来数值对流体动力学进行建模。”


Johansson says these mechanical wings are simple, right-angled triangles made of balsa wood and a latex membrane controlled by a servo engine and an Arduino®board. A hinge along the side of the wings enables them to rotate and clap together. The flexible membrane forms a cupped shape during the clap while the stiff balsa wood does not, allowing for comparisons of performance and investigation of the effect of the cupped shape alone. Between the biologists’ work in the tunnel and the work in the lab with the mechanical wings, Johansson says they gained some key insights into the dynamics of butterfly flight and how it could be recreated. One discovery, he says, was that a flexible membrane wing outperformed the balsa wing in impulse and efficiency by 25% during the clap. They also determined that a butterfly’s upstroke and downstroke serve two unique purposes in flight.


Four charts showing the differences in impulse and energy during flight between solid wings and flexible wings.

灵活的机翼提高了机翼拍手的力和效率。(图片来源:L。C. Johansson和P. Henningsson)

该团队的完整研究发表在Journal of the皇家学会界面


“MATLAB was, by far, our most useful tool on this project,” says Johansson.


After the success of using this approach to capture butterfly flight, Johansson is interested in seeing how it applies more generally to model flight in other creatures, ranging from birds and bats down to microscopic organisms.



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