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.NET Assembly Integration

Integrate compiled MATLAB®functions into .NET applications

WithMATLAB Compiler SDK™, integrating compiled MATLAB functions into a .NET application involves using a combination of APIs that initializeMATLAB Runtime, load the compiled MATLAB functions intoMATLAB Runtime, and manage the data that passes between the .NET code and MATLAB.

The two data conversion APIs that marshal and format data between .NET and MATLAB areMWArray, which uses derived types that map to MATLAB data types, and the native .NET API, which uses native .NET types and supports .NET remoting. In addition, type-safe interfaces provide an alternate set of methods that work directly with native .NET data types.

To integrate MATLAB functions with servers developed in .NET, use either the .NET remoting API or the Windows Communications Foundation framework from Microsoft®. These APIs facilitate the development of distributed applications with features for deploying active figures over the web and accessing .NET remoting capabilities.

Functions Create .NET assembly for deployment outsideMATLAB Options for building .NET assemblies
compiler.package.installer Create an installer for files generated byMATLABCompiler
compiler.package.InstallerOptions Options for creatingMATLABCompilerpackage installers
enableTSUtilsfromNetworkDrive Set trust setting to load .NET assemblies from network drive
ntswrap Generate type-safe API

MWArray Class Library Reference


Requirements and Highlights

Create and Integrate with .NET Framework

Create and Integrate with .NET 5.0 and .NET Core


Data Conversion

Type-Safe API

.NET Remoting

Troubleshooting .NET Assemblies