
VR Sink


  • 库:
  • 万博1manbetxSimulink 3D动画

  • VR Sink block


To output data from the model to control and animate a virtual world, use aVR Sinkblock. TheVR Sink块将值从其端口写入“块参数”对话框中指定的虚拟世界字段。

TheVR Sinkblock is equivalent to theVR到视频block, except that theShow video output port默认情况下清除VR接收器块的参数。

TheVR Sink块不能由万博1manbetx®Coder™software, but it can be used as a SimViewing device on the host computer.


The current internal viewer window (vrfigure) properties are saved together with the Simulink model. Next time you open the model, the internal viewer window opens with the same parameters that were last saved, such as position, size, and navigation mode. When you close the viewer window, the Simulink software does not alert you if these properties have changed.

TheVR Sinkblock is a Sim Viewing Device. You can include it in models that you compile withSimulink Coder软件。如果您使用外部模式来编译,构建和部署模型在目标平台上,例如Simulink Real-Time™或者万博1manbetxSimulink Desktop实时™,一些接收器块和模拟设备块在模拟过程中保持正常模式,从目标接收数据并显示该数据。有关更多信息,请参阅Use C/C++ S-Functions as Sim Viewing Devices in External Mode(Simulink).



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输入信号以驱动在此中选择的节点的虚拟现实可视化Virtual World Tree.

Data Types:double


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Data Types:double


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  • Click新的打开一个空的默认虚拟世界编辑器。当您输入源文件名或使用浏览button, the新的按钮变为一个编辑按钮。

  • Click编辑to launch the default virtual world editor with the source file open.

  • ClickViewto view the world in the万博1manbetxSimulink 3D动画™Viewer or a Web browser.

  • ClickReloadto reload the world after you change it.



该描述在所有虚拟现实对象列表中显示,万博1manbetxSimulink 3D动画Viewer, and in the list of virtual worlds on the万博1manbetxSimulink 3D动画HTML page. This parameter is equivalent to theDescription财产的vrworld目的。

指定块的示例时间或指定-1to inherit the sample time.


Specify the dimensions ([height width]) of the video output signal in pixels.


Nodes that have names are marked with red arrows. You can access them from the万博1manbetxSimulink 3D动画interface. Nodes without names but whose children are named are also marked with red arrows. This marking scheme makes it possible for you to find all accessible nodes by traversing the tree using arrows. Other nodes have a blue dot before their names.

Fields with values that you set have check boxes. Use these check boxes to select the fields whose values you want the Simulink software to update. For every field that you select, an input port is created in the block. Input ports are assigned to the selected nodes and fields in the order that corresponds to the virtual world 3D file.

Fields whose values cannot be written (because their parent nodes do not have names, or because they are not of virtual world data classeventIn或者exposedField) have an X-shaped icon.


Enable this parameter to show field types in the virtual scene tree.

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