
Camera Calibration

Calibrate single or stereo cameras and estimate camera intrinsics, extrinsics, and distortion parameters using pinhole and fisheye camera models

Camera calibrationis the process of estimating camera parameters by using images that contain a calibration pattern. The parameters include camera intrinsics, distortion coefficients, and camera extrinsics. Use these camera parameters to remove lens distortion effects from an image, measure planar objects, reconstruct 3-D scenes from multiple cameras, and perform other computer vision applications.

Use theCamera Calibrator应用程序和功能以估计单个摄像机内在,外部和镜头失真参数。

Use the立体声摄像机校准器app and functions to estimate the parameters and relative positions and orientations of both cameras in a stereo camera pair. You can then use the camera to recover depth from images. It also calculates the position and orientation of the second camera relative to the first camera.

Calibration patterns


Camera Calibrator 估计单相机的几何参数
立体声摄像机校准器 Estimate geometric parameters of a stereo camera


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detectCheckerboardPoints 图像中的检测棋盘图案
GenerateCheckerBoardPoints Generate checkerboard corner locations
detectCircleGridPoints 检测图像中的圆网格模式
generateCircleGridPoints Generate circle grid point locations
vision.calibration.PatternDetector 定义自定义平面模式检测器的接口


estimateCameraParameters Calibrate a single or stereo camera
estimateCameraMatrix Estimate camera projection matrix from world-to-image point correspondences


estimateFisheyeParameters Calibrate fisheye camera

Stereo Camera

估计静脉漏洞 Estimate baseline of stereo camera

Single Camera

cameraParameters 存储相机参数的对象
摄影师 存储固有相机参数的对象
cameraMatrix 相机投影矩阵


fisheyeIntrinsics Object for storing intrinsic fisheye camera parameters
fisheyeParameters Object for storing fisheye camera parameters

Stereo Camera

立体载体器 Object for storing stereo camera system parameters

Error Metrics

cameraCalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera parameters
StereocalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated stereo parameters
外部临时Errors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera intrinsics and distortion coefficients
intinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera intrinsics and distortion coefficients
FisheyecalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated fisheye camera parameters
fisheyeIntrinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated fisheye camera intrinsics


undistortImage 正确的镜头失真图像
undistortPoints Correct point coordinates for lens distortion


undistortFisheyeImage 正确的鱼眼图像镜头失真
未介绍的鱼类 鱼眼镜头失真的正确点坐标
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
showExtrinsics 可视化外部摄像机参数
showReprojectionErrors 可视化校准错误
立体声甘露膦型 Create red-cyan anaglyph from stereo pair of images
extrinsics Compute location of calibrated camera
extrinsicsToCameraPose Convert extrinsics to camera pose
cameraPoseToExtrinsics Convert camera pose to extrinsics
Relativecamerapose 计算相对旋转和相机姿势之间的翻译
rotationMatrixToVector 将3-D旋转矩阵转换为旋转矢量
rotationVectorToMatrix Convert 3-D rotation vector to rotation matrix
cameraintrinsicstoopencv Convert camera intrinsic parameters fromMATLABto OpenCV
摄影师FromOpenCV 将摄像机内在参数从opencv转换为MATLAB
立体载体器ToOpenCV 转换立体声摄像机参数MATLABto OpenCV
立体载体器FromOpenCV 将立体声摄像机参数从OpenCV转换为MATLAB
