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Lookup Tables

Lookup table blocks such as Cosine and Sine

Use blocks from the Lookup Tables library to model nonlinearity. Lookup table blocks use arrays of data to map input values to output values, approximating mathematical functions. To approximate a function inNvariables, use then-D Lookup Tableblock:


1-D Lookup Table Approximate one-dimensional function
2-D Lookup Table Approximate two-dimensional function
Direct Lookup Table (n-D) Index into n-dimensional table to retrieve element, vector, or 2-D matrix
Interpolation Using Prelookup Use precalculated index and fraction values to accelerate approximation of N-dimensional function
Lookup Table Dynamic Approximate a one-dimensional function using dynamic table
Prelookup Compute index and fraction for Interpolation Using Prelookup block
Sine, Cosine Implement fixed-point sine or cosine wave using lookup table approach that exploits quarter wave symmetry
n-D Lookup Table Approximate n-dimensional function


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