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dlhdl.Target class


Configure interface to target board for workflow deployment


Use thedlhdl.Targetobject to create the interface to deploy thedlhdl.Workflowobject to your target hardware.


hTarget= dlhdl.Target(Vendor)creates a target object that you pass on todlhdl.Workflowto deploy your deep learning network to your target device.

hTarget= dlhdl.Target(Vendor,Name,Value)creates a target object that you pass on todlhdl.Workflow, with additional properties specified by one or moreName,Valuepair arguments.

Input Arguments

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Target device vendor name, specified as a character vector or string.



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Specify optional comma-separated pairs ofName,Valuearguments.Nameis the argument name andValue是相应的value.Namemust appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order asName1, Value1,…,的家.

Name of the interface specified as a character vector.

Example:'Interface','JTAG'creates a target configuration object with'JTAG'as the interface to the target device.

IP address for the target device with the Ethernet interface specified as a character vector.

Example:“IPAddress”,''creates a target configuration object with''as the target device IP address.

SSH user name specified as a character vector.

Example:'Username','root'creates a target configuration object with'root'as the SSH user name.

Password of the root user specified as a character vector. Use'root'on the Xilinx®SoC boards and'cyclonevsoc'on the Intel®SoC boards.

Example:'Password','root'creates a target configuration object with'root'as the SSH password for Xilinx SoC boards.

Example:'Password','cyclonevsoc'creates a target configuration object with'cyclonevsoc'as the SSH password for Intel SoC boards.

SSH port number specified as an integer.

Example:'Port',22creates a target configuration object with22as the SSH port number.

Name of the deployment file specified as a string or character vector. When you do not specify the file name, the name of the bitstream is the file name.

Example:'Filename','zcu102socinit"creates a'zcu102soc_init.dln'file.


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Create Target Object That Has a JTAG interface

hTarget = dlhdl.Target('Xilinx','Interface','JTAG') hTarget = Targetwithproperties:Vendor:'Xilinx'Interface: JTAG

Create Target Object That Has an Ethernet Interface and Set IP Address

hTarget = dlhdl.Target('Xilinx','Interface','Ethernet',“IPAddress”,'') hTarget = Targetwithproperties:Vendor:'Xilinx'Interface: Ethernet IPAddress:''Username:'root'Port: 22

Create Target Object That has a File Interface

hTarget = dlhdl.Target('Xilinx',Interface ='File', Filename ='zcu102socinit')
hTarget = TargetFile with properties: Interface: File Path: './' FileHandle: -1 CR: '←↵' Filename: 'zcu102socinit' IsConnected: 0 hConn: [] Vendor: 'Xilinx'

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

See Also

