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Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel Users

version (350 KB) by Michael Agostini
Materials for public seminar of the same name (slides and demos)


Updated01 Sep 2016

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Contains the slides and demos for the seminar entitled "Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel Users", which was delivered on March 7th at the Newton Marriott in Newton, MA.
While a clever person could certainly make sense out of this material without having attended the seminar, it is designed to augment the live performance (not replace it). This means there are no detailed descriptions on how to run the various demos. Some of them require specific toolboxes to function.
Demo 1: Energy Prediction for a Power Plant -- Illustrates MATLAB's capabilities as a tool for data analysis. Shows features from MATLAB, Curve Fitting Toolbox, Statistics Toolbox, and Compiler.

Demo 2: Motor Noise Demo -- Illustrates two of MATLAB's integration methods with Excel including, Excel Link and Builder for Excel.

Demo 3: Introduction to MATLAB COM Interface -- shows the basics for using MATLAB as an activex client to connect to Excel. MATLAB can also be a server, though that is not shown here. The nice part about this section is nothing is required besides basic MATLAB.

Cite As

Michael Agostini (2021).Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel Users(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

Comments and Ratings (14)

Ivan Liebgott

mohamed meridjet

very good

zaoui fares

zaoui fares

very good

Shoeb Sayeed


haider daod

hellow can u help me plz i want to download this file can u send it to my mail thanx (file.m) mppt + photovoltaic

zied trabelsi

(file.m) mppt + photovoltaic

zied trabelsi

(file.mdl)for optimal inclination of photovoltaic panel and monthly solar irradiance

zied trabelsi

(file.m) for optimal inclination of photovoltaic panel and monthly solar irradiance

Peng Zhang

Peter Sheppard

Thankyou for making the material available

Marc Pelletier

melanie vanloocke

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2007a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired:EEG SIGNAL ANALYSIS,PV Panel Modeling


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