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Bisection Method Root Finding

versión 1.16 (6.95 KB) por Sky Sartorius
Very simple to use and robust method that takes array inputs, so it even has advantages over fzero.

5,8K descargas

Actualizada16 May 2021

de github

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BISECTION is a fast, simple-to-use, and robust root-finding method that handles n-dimensional arrays.

This function really shines in cases where fzero would have to be implemented in a loop to solve multiple cases, in which case this will be much faster.


This code can be a bit cryptic. This is for the sake of speed and increased capability. See the many acknowledged other submissions for simpler, easier-to-follow implementations to understand the basics of the bisection method.

Citar como

Sky Sartorius(2022)。Bisection Method Root Finding(, GitHub. Recuperado.

compatibilidad conlaversióndematlab
Se creó con R2015a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
视窗 macOS Linux

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