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version (1.04 MB) by Claudius Simon Appel
懒惰is a toolbox for extensive plotting of data in 2D using any standard matlab fit model with minimal coding effort.


更新01 Jun 2022


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懒惰can be used to both quickly display a figure containing any number of lines and data sets each.
It will also define the axes ranges of the figure, as well as title, x/y-label, the position labels of the legend. Also, by defining the vector "LPQS" before calling "LazyPlot", one can get a glance at the figure by sacrificing some features. Clear out the variable again to enter normal mode again.
For more information on how to use LazyPlot, open the "LPCodeComp.m"-file. The changelog can have some information about how this came to be. I'd advise reading through the v.1.5 notes, it contains a few useful information on how to operate LazyPlot.
The function LPFigurefun can be run separately as well, without having to call LazyPlot.

Cite As

Claudius Simon Appel (2022).懒惰(,github。检索.

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