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In frame-based processing, blocks process data one frame at a time. Each frame of data contains sequential samples from an independent channel. Each channel is represented by a column of the input signal. For example, from a frame-based processing perspective, the following 3-by-2 matrix has two channels, each of which contains three samples.

当您配置一个块以执行基于帧的处理时,该块解释了m-b-1矢量作为包含单通道信号msamples per frame. Similarly, the block interprets anm-by-n矩阵作为多通道信号n独立渠道和msamples per channel. For example, in frame-based processing, blocks interpret the following sequence of 3-by-2 matrices as a two-channel signal with a frame size of 3.

使用基于帧的处理对于许多信号处理应用程序是有利的,因为您可以一次处理多个样本。通过将数据缓冲到帧中并处理数据的多样本帧,您通常可以改善信号处理算法的计算时间。要执行基于框架的处理,您必须拥有DSP System Toolbox™许可证。

有关有关基于框架的处理的最新更改的更多信息,请参见基于框架的处理更改部分DSP系统工具箱Release Notes

此页面讨论使用使用该框架处理的信号正弦波block and the来自工作区的信号堵塞。note that the block receiving this signal implements sample-based processing or frame-based processing on the signal based on the parameters set in the block dialog box.


  1. 创建一个新的simulin万博1manbetxk®模型。

  2. 从源库中,将正弦波块单击到模型中。

  3. 从矩阵操作库中,单击矩阵总块进入模型。

  4. From the Simulink Sinks library, click-and-drag a To Workspace block into the model.

  5. 连接块的顺序添加them to your model.

  6. 双击正弦波block, and set the block parameters as follows:

    • 振幅=[1 3 2]

    • 频率=[100 250 500]

    • 采样时间=1/5000

    • 每个框架样品=64

    基于这些参数,正弦波块输出了三个带有振幅的正弦曲线1,,,,3,,,,and2and frequencies100,,,,250,,,,and500Hz,分别。样本周期为1/5000,是最高正弦频率的10倍,满足奈奎斯特标准。所有正弦曲线的帧大小为64,因此,输出具有64行。

  7. 保存这些参数,然后单击关闭对话框OK

    You have now successfully created a three-channel signal, with64samples per each frame, using the正弦波堵塞。The rest of this procedure describes how to add these three sinusoids together.

  8. 双击矩阵总块。设置总结参数为指定的维度,并设置Dimension参数为2。点击OK

  9. In theDebug模型工具条的选项卡,选择信息叠加>信号尺寸

  10. 运行模型。



  11. At the MATLAB command line, typeplot(yout(1:100))

    Your plot should look similar to the following figure.

This figure represents a portion of the sum of the three sinusoids. You have now added the channels of a three-channel signal together and displayed the results in a figure window.



  1. 创建一个新的simulin万博1manbetxk模型。

  2. From the Sources library, click-and-drag a来自工作区的信号block into the model.

  3. From the Simulink Sinks library, click-and-drag a到工作区block into the model.

  4. 连接两个块。

  5. 双击来自工作区的信号块,并设置块参数如下。

    • 信号=[1:10;1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1]''

    • 采样时间=1

    • 每个框架样品=4

    • Form output after final data value by=设置为零

    基于这些参数,来自工作区的信号block outputs a two-channel signal with a sample period of 1 second, a frame period of 4 seconds, and a frame size of four samples. After the block outputs the signal, all subsequent outputs have a value of zero. The two channels contain the following values:

    • 频道1:1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、0、0,...

    • 频道2:1、1、0、0、1、1、0、0、1、1、0、0、0,...

  6. 保存这些参数,然后单击关闭对话框OK

  7. In theDebug模型工具条的选项卡,选择信息叠加>信号尺寸

  8. 运行模型。

    The following figure is a graphical representation of the model's behavior during simulation. You can also open the model by typingEX_USINGSFWBLKFB在MATLAB命令行。

  9. At the MATLAB command line, type

    The following is the output displayed at the MATLAB command line.

    yout = 1 1 2 1 3 0 4 0 5 1 6 1 7 0 8 0 9 1 10 1 0 0 0 0 0


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