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Determine if variable is enumeration


tf = isenum(e)returns logical 1 (true) ifeis an enumeration. Otherwise, it returns logical 0 (false). Empty enumeration objects returntrue.

Ifeis a heterogeneous array,isenumalways returnsfalse.


Test for Enumeration

Determine if a variable is an enumeration.

ThePPMclass defines enumerations for three levels:

classdefPPM < int32enumerationHigh (1000) Medium (100) Low (10)endend

Create a variable representing a level. Useisenumto determine if the variable is an enumeration:

currentLevel = PPM.High; isenum(currentLevel)
ans = 1

Input Arguments

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Input array, specified as any MATLAB®variable.

More About

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Enumerations are a fixed set of names representing a single type of value. For more information, seeNamed Values.

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