


Create a structural model for transient analysis.

modelt = createpde('structural','transient-solid');

Create a square cross-section beam geometry and include it in the model.

gm =多蛋布(0.05,0.003,0.003);Modelt.Deometry = GM;

绘制geometry, displaying face and edge labels.

图PDEGPLOT(Modelt,'FaceLabels','on','FaceAlpha', 0.5)视图(71 [4])

图包含一个轴。这axes contains 3 objects of type quiver, patch, line.

图PDEGPLOT(Modelt,'edgelabels','on','FaceAlpha', 0.5)视图(71 [4])

图包含一个轴。这axes contains 3 objects of type quiver, patch, line.

Specify the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and mass density of the material.


Fix one end of the beam.

structuralBC(modelT,'Edge',[2 8 11 12],'Constraint','固定的');


loadedVertex = addVertex(gm,“坐标”,[0.025 0.0 0.0015]); figure pdegplot(modelT,'顶板标签','on','FaceAlpha',0.5)视图([78 2.5])

图包含一个轴。这axes contains 3 objects of type quiver, patch, line.



将正弦浓缩力施加z- 新顶点的方向。

structuralBoundaryLoad(modelT,'顶点',LoadedVertex,...'力量',[0; 0; 10],,'频率',6000);

Specify zero initial conditions.

structuralIC(modelT,'Velocity',[0 0 0],'移位',[0 0 0]);


tlist = 0:0.00005:3E-3;rt = solve(modelt,tlist);


结构间接面(Modelt,'Edge',[2 8 11 12]);结构间接面(Modelt,'顶点',LoadedVertex);


rom =降低(modelt,'频率范围',[ -  0.1,5E5]);

接下来,使用还原订单模型模拟瞬态动力学。使用ode15s直接函数以集成还原的系统ode。使用还原模型需要索引到还原的系统矩阵rom.krom.m. First, construct mappings of indices ofKMto loaded and fixed DoFs by using the data available in只读存储器.

DoFs correspond to translational displacements. If the number of mesh points in a model isnn,然后工具箱将ID分配给DOFS如下:第一个1tonnarex- 位置,nn+1to2*Nnarey- 位置,和2Nn+1to3*Nnarez-displacements. The reduced model object只读存储器contains these IDs for the retained DoFs in只读存储器.RetainedDoF.


getDoF = @(x,numNodes) [x(:); x(:) + numNodes; x(:) + 2*numNodes];

了解给定节点ID的DOF ID,请使用intersect功能以找到所需的索引。

numnodes = size(rom.mesh.nodes,2);loadedNode = findnodes(rom.mesh,'地区','顶点',LoadedVertex);loadDofs = getDof(ladeedNode,numnodes);[〜,loadNoderomids,〜] = Intersect(rom.retaineddof,loadDofs);


fixedIntModeIds = (numel(rom.RetainedDoF) + 1:size(rom.K,1))';

Because fixed-end DoFs are not a part of the ODE system, the indices for the ODE DoFs in reduced matrices are as follows.

odeDoFs = [loadNodeROMIds;fixedIntModeIds];

这relevant components ofrom.krom.mfor time integration are:

kconcontain = rom.k(odedofs,odedofs);McOnterained = rom.m(odedofs,odedofs);numode = numel(odedofs);

Now you have a second-order system of ODEs. To useode15s, convert this into a system of first-order ODEs by applying linearization. Such a first-order system is twice the size of the second-order system.

Mode = [eye(numODE,numODE), zeros(numODE,numODE);...zeros(numODE,numODE), Mconstrained]; Kode = [zeros(numODE,numODE), -eye(numODE,numODE);...Kconstrained, zeros(numODE,numODE)]; Fode = zeros(2*numODE,1);

指定的concentrated force load in the full system is along thez- 方向,这是ODE系统中的第三个DOF。核算线性化以获得一阶系统提供了加载的ODE DOF。

loadODEDoF = numODE + 3;

Specify the mass matrix and the Jacobian for the ODE solver.

odeoptions = odeset;odeoptions = odeset(odeoptions,'Jacobian',-Kode); odeoptions = odeset(odeoptions,'大量的',Mode);

Specify zero initial conditions.

u0 = zeros(2*numODE,1);

Solve the reduced system by using ode15s and the helper functionCMSODEF,在此示例的末尾定义。

sol = ode15s(@(t,y) CMSODEf(t,y,Kode,Fode,loadODEDoF),tlist,u0,odeoptions);

Compute the values of the ODE variable and the time derivatives.

[displ,vel] = deval(sol,tlist);

绘制z-displacement at the loaded vertex and compare it to the third DoF in the solution of the reduced ODE system.

图图(tlist,rt.displacement.uz(LoadedVertex,:))保持情节(tlist,显示(3,:),,,,'r*') 标题('Z-Displacement at Loaded Vertex') legend(“完整模型”,'rom')


根据接口DOF和模态DOF了解解决方案,您可以重建完整模型的解决方案。这重建解决方案功能requires the displacement, velocity, and acceleration at all DoFs in只读存储器. Construct the complete solution vector, including the zero values at the fixed DoFs.

u = zeros(size(rom.K,1),numel(tlist)); ut = zeros(size(rom.K,1),numel(tlist)); utt = zeros(size(rom.K,1),numel(tlist)); u(odeDoFs,:) = displ(1:numODE,:); ut(odeDoFs,:) = vel(1:numODE,:); utt(odeDoFs,:) = vel(numODE+1:2*numODE,:);

Construct a transient results object using this solution.

RTrom = reconstructSolution(rom,u,ut,utt,tlist);

For comparison, compute the displacement in the interior at the center of the beam using the full and reconstructed solutions.

coordCenter = [0;0;0]; iDispRT = interpolateDisplacement(RT, coordCenter); iDispRTrom = interpolateDisplacement(RTrom, coordCenter); figure plot(tlist,iDispRT.uz,'K') 抓住plot(tlist,iDispRTrom.uz,'g*') 标题('Z-Displacement at Geometric Center') legend(“完整模型”,'rom')



功能f = CMSODEf(t,u,Kode,Fode,loadedVertex) Fode(loadedVertex) = 10*sin(6000*t); f = -Kode*u +Fode;end