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Synthetic Aperture Radar

Antenna footprint and resolution, range and cross-range ambiguities, SAR image distortions, SAR image SNR, noise equivalent reflectivity, rain clutter

Model antenna, environment, weather, platform and signal processing gains and losses for synthetic aperture radars. Estimate SAR link budget with the radar range equation. Evaluate scene geometry and hardware constraints on pulse repetition frequency, swath length, area coverage rate, and antenna aperture. Compare ideal and effective resolution of synthetic antenna. Model rain reflectivity for linearly and circularly polarized systems. Model ground reflectivity as a function of surface roughness, operating frequency, polarization and grazing angle.


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aperture2swath Swath extent for radar on ground plane
sarbeamcompratio SAR beam compression ratio
sarbeamwidth Synthetic aperture azimuth beamwidth
sardispgrazang 显示grazing angle for SAR data collection
sarintang 对SAR相干集成角度
sarlen Synthetic aperture length
sarmaxswath Upper bound on swath length for SAR
sarmaxcovrate Upper bound on area coverage rate for SAR
sarminaperture 下界为SAR天线面积
sarrange Maximum unambiguous slant range of SAR
sarprfbounds Upper and lower bound on PRF for SAR
sarsquintang Squint angle for SAR data collection
grnd2slantrange Convert ground range projection to slant range
slant2grndrange Convert slant range to ground range projection
grnd2slantrngres Convert ground range resolution to slant range resolution
slant2grndrngres Convert slant range resolution to ground range resolution
clutterVolumeRCS Radar cross-section of volume clutter
rainreflectivity Volume reflectivity of rain
rainscr Signal-to-clutter ratio due to rain
radareqsarsnr Signal-to-noise ratio of SAR image
radareqsarpow Minimum peak transmit power using SAR equation
radareqsarrng Maximum detectable range using SAR equation
sarnoiserefl Noise equivalent reflectivity of SAR
sarSurfaceRCS Radar cross-section of target for SAR
matchinggain Gain due to matched filtering
sarazgain SAR azimuth processing gain
sarchirprate Azimuth chirp rate of received signal for SAR
sarpointdopbw Doppler bandwidth due to cross-range platform motion
sarscenedopbw Doppler bandwidth of full scene after azimuth dechirping
sarinttime Synthetic aperture integration time
sarprf Synthetic aperture radar PRF
sarazres Azimuth or cross-range resolution for SAR
rainelres Elevation resolution of rain limited by radar resolution