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Remove LMI from system of LMIs


newsys = dellmi(lmisys,n)


dellmideletes the n-th LMI from the system of LMIs described inlmisys. The updated system is returned innewsys.

The rankingnis relative to the order in which the LMIs were declared and corresponds to the identifier returned bynewlmi. Since this ranking is not modified by deletions, it is safer to refer to the remaining LMIs by their identifiers. Finally, matrix variables that only appeared in the deleted LMI are removed from the problem.


Suppose that the three LMIs

A 1 T X 1 + X 1 A 1 + Q 1 < 0 A 2 T X 2 + X 2 A 2 + Q 2 < 0 A 3 T X 3 + X 3 A 3 + Q 3 < 0

已经宣布在这个订单,标签吗LMI1,LMI2,LMI3withnewlmi, and stored inlmisys. To delete the second LMI, type

lmis = dellmi(lmisys,LMI2)

lmisnow describes the system of LMIs

A 1 T X 1 + X 1 A 1 + Q 1 < 0 A 3 T X 3 + X 3 A 3 + Q 3 < 0

and the second variableX2has been removed from the problem since it no longer appears in the system.

To further deleteLMI3from the system, type

lmis = dellmi(lmis,LMI3)

or equivalently

lmis = dellmi(lmis,3)

Note that the system has retained its original ranking after the first deletion.

Introduced before R2006a