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Air Traffic Control Radar Design



To make parameters for雷达系统设计easier to change and easier to determine their values, the model has a GUI. Radar and weather parameters may be changed from this GUI. While simulating, the effects of these parameters can be seen on the scope display which shows the actual aircraft range in yellow and the estimated aircraft range from the radar in magenta. Another output that can be viewed is the calculated signal to noise ratio (SNR) is compared to the ideal SNR. Ideal SNR is also specified from the GUI. The result is shown in the display block and will be either 1 (SNR >= ideal SNR) or 0 (SNR < ideal SNR).

Simulink® and Stateflow® are used in the model, which is divided into three main subsystems, radar, aircraft, and weather.

Using subsystems is helpful in two ways: the model is organized and easier to understand and the work can be split between multiple engineers by subsystems. The Stateflow machine labeled "check SNR" performs the logic comparing calculated SNR to the ideal SNR and output data based on this comparison.


Open and simulate the aero_atc model.



Design Issues


Design Specification

We're interested in performing conceptual design for a ground-based air traffic control (ATC) radar. Let's take a look at a potential customer specification.

This is an example of a customer specification upon which a design process would be based. The customer, possibly the FAA, provides some basic requirements for the radar design leaving a number of parameter selections up to the design engineer.

It should be noted that some of the logically derived parameters depend on assumptions made by the engineer and would need to be recalculated each time the best-judgment parameters are optimized. This problem lends itself well to simulation. By using Simulink and Stateflow, the design engineer has the analysis capability to have time-varying design cases for Monte Carlo test runs, i.e.: aircraft cross-sections and locations, weather cross-sections, and locations.

MathWorks® Products in the Design Process

Here's how MathWorks® products fit the job of conceptual radar design:

Using the customer specification and the radar range equations along with equations describing the physics of the system, a model is built in MATLAB®, Simulink, and Stateflow. Using the model with the sim command for batch runs, those best-judgment parameters can be optimized for various conditions, weather, aircraft, using a Monte Carlo simulation run to prove robustness. The result is a set of optimized radar parameters that can be used to build a detailed block diagram model of the full radar system for further system analysis in Simulink with the DSP System Toolbox™.
