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This example shows how to use the多个模拟Simulink®编辑器中万博1manbetx的面板要运行多个模拟,其悬架刚度的刚度有不同的模拟值,该悬架的刚度具有正弦形状的道路轮廓。

Open the Model




To configure and set up simulations, use the多个模拟控制板。打开多个模拟panel, go to the准备section on the Simulink toolstrip. In theInputs & Parameter Tuning部分,单击多个模拟。在面板中,单击创建一个新的设计研究。

一个新的设计研究对象添加到面板。The name of this design study is automatically populated. Double-click the design study to change the name. Use this design study to specify the parameters for the simulations. In this design study, we set up the values for the variablekwhich represents stiffness. By running multiple simulations, we want to see how the amplitude at which the car oscillates is affected by different values of stiffness.

To add variable to this design study, clickon theSpecification标签详细信息:设计研究部分。添加变量后,双击将变量标记为悬浮刚度。将变量名称指定为k,这是悬架的刚度。运行模拟刚度的多个值,k。模拟为2e4到8E4的值,具有100个单独的点。添加linspace(2e4,8e4,100)as the values of the variablek


Now that you have set up the values for our simulations, select the design study. TheSimulink工具条的“模拟”部分中的按钮更改为万博1manbetx跑All,,,,to indicate that you have setup multiple simulations. Click the跑Allbutton to start the simulations. You can open Simulation Manager by clicking打开仿真管理器on the Simulink status bar at the bottom of the canvas.


检查汽车振荡的幅度如何受到不同刚度值的影响。看到情节,在图属性, 选择from the list for Data for the Y-Axis.代表所得振荡的幅度。该模拟的道路模式是具有固定频率的正弦波。通过改变刚度值,您可以改变系统的固有频率。基于刚度值,您从固有频率下开始。当您增加刚度的值时,您会越过固有频率,从而进入共振。当您将刚度值提高到固有频率以上时,振幅开始再次下降。



点击in the多个模拟为保存您设置的设计研究的面板。设计研究保存了mldatx格式。要重复使用设计研究,请打开多个模拟panel, click,,,,and select the design study file from the file browser.

您还可以保存仿真管理器会话信息,其中包括模拟数据所有绘图配置。仿真管理器允许您在要运行具有不同值集的类似仿真时重复使用绘图配置。要重复使用绘图配置,请单击on the Simulation Manager toolstrip. To reopen the saved session, navigate to the location where the file is saved and double-click the.mldatxfile.



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