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Create Test Sequence block


blockID= sltest.testsequence.newBlock(blockPath)adds aTest Sequenceblock specified byblockPath, returning the handleblockID.


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This example shows how to create a Test Sequence block programmatically, and get properties for the block, which can be used inName,Valuepairs forsltest.testsequence.setProperty.

1. Create a model and a Test Sequence block.

new_system('tsb_model'); sltest.testsequence.newBlock('tsb_model/Test Sequence');

2. Get properties of the Test Sequence block.

block_properties = sltest.testsequence.getProperty...('tsb_model/Test Sequence')
block_properties =struct with fields:Name: 'Test Sequence' UpdateMethod: 'INHERITED' SampleTime: '-1' Description: '' Document: '' Tag: [] SupportVariableSizing: 1 SaturateOnIntegerOverflow: 1 InputFimath: 'fimath(......' EmlDefaultFimath: 'Same as MATLAB Default' EnableActiveStepData: 0 ActiveStepDataSymbol: '' ActiveStepDataType: 'String' ScenarioParameter: '' Semantics: 'StateflowCompatible'

3. Close the model.


Input Arguments

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Path to aTest Sequenceblock, including the block name, specified as a string or character vector.

Example:'FanSpeedTestHarness/Test Sequence'

Output Arguments

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Block handle, returned as a double.


Introduced in R2017a