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Morphological Operations

Dilate, erode, reconstruct, and perform other morphological operations

Morphology is a broad set of image processing operations that process images based on shapes. In a morphological operation, each pixel in the image is adjusted based on the value of other pixels in its neighborhood. By choosing the size and shape of the neighborhood, you can construct a morphological operation that is sensitive to specific shapes in the input image.


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imerode Erode image
imdilate Dilate image
imopen Morphologically open image
imclose Morphologically close image
imtophat Top-hat filtering
imbothat 低帽过滤
imclearborder Suppress light structures connected to image border
imfill Fill image regions and holes
bwhitmiss Binary hit-miss operation
bwmorph Morphological operations on binary images
bwmorph3 Morphological operations on binary volume
bwperim Find perimeter of objects in binary image
bwskel Reduce all objects to lines in 2-D binary image or 3-D binary volume
bwulterode Ultimate erosion
imreconstruct Morphological reconstruction
imregionalmax Regional maxima
imregionalmin Regional minima
imextendedmax Extended-maxima transform
imextendedmin Extended-minima transform
imhmax H-maxima transform
imhmin H-minima transform
imimposemin Impose minima
strel Morphological structuring element
offsetstrel Morphological offset structuring element
conndef Create connectivity array
iptcheckconn Check validity of connectivity argument
applylut Neighborhood operations on binary images using lookup tables
bwlookup Nonlinear filtering using lookup tables
makelut Create lookup table for use withbwlookup
bwpack Pack binary image
bwunpack Unpack binary image


Elements of Morphology

  • Types of Morphological Operations
    The most basic morphological operations are dilation and erosion. You can combine dilation and erosion for more specialized operations.
  • Morphological Reconstruction
    Morphological reconstruction is used to extract marked objects from an image without changing the object size or shape.
  • Structuring Elements
    A structuring element defines the neighborhood used to process each pixel. A structuring element influences the size and shape of objects to process in the image.
  • Border Padding for Morphology
    Morphological dilation and erosion pad the image border in different ways to avoid border effects.
  • Pixel Connectivity
    Connectivity determines whether a center pixel and adjacent pixels belong to the same object.
  • Lookup Table Operations
    A lookup table is a vector in which each element represents the different permutations of pixels in a neighborhood. Lookup tables are useful for custom erosion and dilation operations.

Applications of Morphology