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Calibration and simulation for IMU, GPS, and range sensors

Perform sensor modeling and simulation for accelerometers, magnetometers, gyroscopes, altimeters, GPS, IMU, and range sensors. Analyze sensor readings, sensor noise, environmental conditions and other configuration parameters. Generate trajectories to emulate these sensors traveling through a world and calibrate the performance of your sensors.



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accelparams Accelerometer sensor parameters
allanvar Allan variance
陀螺仪 Gyroscope sensor parameters
MAGPARAMS 磁力计传感器参数
马卡尔 Magnetometer calibration coefficients
gnssconstellation Satellite locations at specified time
lookangles 卫星从接收器和卫星位置看起来
伪龙 GNSS接收器和卫星之间的伪龙
接收 Estimate GNSS receiver position and velocity
skyplot 绘制卫星方位角和高程数据
extractNMEASentence Verify and extract NMEA sentence data into string array
rinexread 从rinex文件中读取数据
Rinexinfo 获取有关Rinex文件的信息


gnssSensor Simulate GNSS to generate position and velocity readings
高度计 Altimeter simulation model
gpsSensor 全球定位系统receiver simulation model
imuSensor IMU simulation model
Inssensor Inertial navigation system and GNSS/GPS simulation model
rangeSensor Simulate range-bearing sensor readings
Wheelencoderunicycle Simulate wheel encoder sensor readings for unicycle vehicle
wheelEncoderBicycle 模拟自行车车辆的车轮编码器传感器读数
wheelencoderDifferentialDrive 模拟差速器驱动车辆的车轮编码器传感器读数
wheelEncoderAckermann Simulate wheel encoder sensor readings for Ackermann vehicle
kinematicTrajectory 费率驱动的轨迹发生器
时限 Display time-domain signals
waypointTrajectory 航点轨迹生成器
nmeaParser 从海上电子设备发送的标准和特定于制造商的NMEA句子中解析数据
gpsdev Connect to a GPS receiver connected to host computer


IMU IMU simulation model
INS 模拟INS传感器
全球定位系统 Simulate GPS sensor readings with noise
