Calling Tree

version (3.17 KB) by Mark Jobse
Function creates tree structure of funtion calls in m-file.


Updated8 Jan 2003

No License

This function will create a tree structure containing all function calls in the m-file given as input. The function will automatically also search the called m-files.
Function that call themselves will not create infinite loops.
You can set the 'search area', f.i. the function will only search through m-files in '.\work\'.

struct = calling_tree(filename, restriction)
where restriction can just be 'work', it does not have to be the entire path.
restriction = '' means: no restriction

struct = calling_tree('calling_tree', '')

A good way to view the structure is the recently updated display_structure function (also by me) which can be found on this site. It will expand all sub-structures automatically.

Cite As

Mark Jobse (2022).Calling Tree(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R12.1
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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