The dynamic time histogram (barh chart race)

Version 1.0.1By (13.1 MB) cui
The Advanced dynamic histogram display over time


The Updated13 Jul 2021

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This program is designed to produce beautiful dynamic histograms of time in a streamlined code, with 万博1manbetxsupport for topK display and a simple and easy to use calling interface compared to previous designed!The functions 万博1manbetxprovides supported are: specifying topK, specifying The label categories, specifying The category colours, setting The display frame rate, generating GIF animations, etc.
This program aims to produce beautiful time dynamic histogram with streamline code, relative to previous program, support topK display, call interface and simple, easy to use!Support functions: specify topK, tags, categories, category specified color specified, display frame rate formulation, generated GIF animation, etc.

Cite the As

Cui (2023).The dynamic time histogram (barh chart race)(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. The Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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