how to plot a vector?
x = linspace(-1,1) ; y = linspace(-1,1) ; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ; % F = e^y i + x*e^y j u = exp(Y) ; v = X.*exp(Y) ; q...

7 giorni ago | 0

How to do post processing for stresses in MATLAB?
It is very much possible. Refer to this file exchange functions:

7 giorni ago | 0

How do I draw a contour plot for f(x, y)=(2*x^2 + 3*y^2)*e^(−x^2−y^2) . that encompasses the critical points (0, 0) and (0, 1)?
m = 100 ; n = 100 ; x = linspace(-1,1,m) ; y = linspace(-1,1,n) ; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ; F = (2*X.^2 + 3*Y.^2).*exp(-X...

7 giorni ago | 1


Random inputs for a logic array?
function [averageScores, deviationScores, medianScores, modeScores, partyDecision] = PizzaParty(scores) averageScores=mean(s...

7 giorni ago | 0


Assemble the generated graph
You can do interpolation and join the jumps. Have a look on interp1. Also read about fillmissing.

7 giorni ago | 0

Compare a string against list of other strings
data_rate = '288'; % user input permissible_rates = {'128';'256';'512'}; % validate input against this idx = contains(permissi...

7 giorni ago | 0

How do i make this form with matrix ?
A = work5() ; function A=work5() m=1; for k=10:10:160 n=1:k; a= sum(nthroot(n.^2,5)./((3.^n).*(n+1))); A(...

7 giorni ago | 0

how do i print this matrix?
A = zeros(6,5) ; A(1:3,1:3) = 1 ; A(:,4) = [1 0 0 1 1 1]' ; A(:,5) = [1 0 0 1 1 1]' ; A

7 giorni ago | 0


How do i add a zeroes in every raws?
A = [1:2:7; 4:2:10; 9:-2:3] ; iwant = [zeros(3,2) A]

7 giorni ago | 0


改变data field type in my shapefile
If you change the data, you need to write into shapefile again using shapewrite to hold the changes.

7 giorni ago | 0

plot contours for pressure on surface points defined by z,y and z corrdinates
Refer this:

8 giorni ago | 0

Extract row values from text file to add
REad about the function load, it will load text file data into workspace; then use you formula on the arrays.

8 giorni ago | 0

I want to know x,y coordinate
Already you have the code. t=0:0.01:10 ; x=t.^3+t ; y=t.^2+2.*t.^3 ; plot(x,y)

8 giorni ago | 0

How can i find specific data from a large no. of csv file?
T = readtable('Data.csv') ; csvFiles = dir('*.csv') ; % otherfiles in a folder. Keep Data.csv seperatly N = length(csvFile...

8 giorni ago | 0

plot circules with with radius and random locations on 10x10 square area
You can plot circle using: th = linspace(0,2*pi) ; R = 1; % radius C = [0 0] ; % center x = C(1) + R*cos(th) ; y = C...

8 giorni ago | 1


You shoould run the code o understand it your self. What is purpose of this code and why it is used on this program ? The pur...

9 giorni ago | 0


Add geographic data to pcolor plot
hold on load coast.mat plot(long,lat,'k')

9 giorni ago | 0


How to do surface plot from given set of data?
T = readtable('data.txt') ; x = T.(1) ; y = T.(2) ; z = T.(3) ; % Plot as unstructured grid dt = delaunayTriangulation(x,y...

9 giorni ago | 0


How to plot a jet colour bar for specific values ?
This line: cm = colormap(jet(numel(r))); You are limiting the colorbar to only six colors. So you are getting the colorbar a...

9 giorni ago | 0

Overlay contourf plot to a JPEG
It is better to plot the contourf plot on the image. First read the image using imread. Plot the image with your desired tagg...

9 giorni ago | 0

Ploting 3 D cube or graph with pressure
REad about slice.

9 giorni ago | 0

Function returns scalar independent of input, but I need a matrix output
clc; clear all ; f = @(x1, x2)4.3206303272e-05.*x1.^2+2.39837699915e-05.*x2.^2 ; f(1,0) f([1:4]', [5:8]') f(rand(3,1),rand...

9 giorni ago | 0

Can someone help me explain this code?
You can get it yourself, by reading the respective functions documentation. fs = 48000; % smapling frequency f0 = 2000; ...

9 giorni ago | 0

How to Plot the smooth envelope of 3D scattered points
Read about griddata and/or scatteredInterpolant.

9 giorni ago | 0

Contour3D temperature (xyz data) on a river bathymetry
You need to read about griddata or scatteredInterpolant. These are the function you are supposed to use.

10 giorni ago | 0

How to concatenate first column of matrix A and first column of matrix B, then second column of matrix A and second column of matrix B and so on?
A = rand(128,4626); B = rand(128,4626); [m,n] = size(A) ; iwant = zeros(m,2*n) ; iwant(:,1:2:end) = A ; iwant(:,2:2:end)...

10 giorni ago | 1

Spherical Patch in 3D
The shape is spherical and looks fine. You need to set the axis. Try axis equal at the end.

10 giorni ago | 0

Plotting in 3D, based on beta and alpha.
I strictly advice you to check your formul for P_o1. %basic assumption/variables g = 9.81; %Gravity con...

10 giorni ago | 1

Integral error in the function
func=@(t) (t.^((3/2)-1).*(exp(-t))); %<-- element by element operations Gamma=integral(func,0,Inf)

10 giorni ago | 0

Plot a temperature matrix
REad about pcolor.

10 giorni ago | 1


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