Substuting values into symbolic expression to create 3D array.
Either work grid-wise (easier), or else do one step at a time making sure to reshape the vector into the proper shape syms x y ...

2 giorni ago | 0

Error while finding mean and variance using blockproc of an image
function [mean_ch,variance] = block_process(subchannel) COL = @(M) M(:); fun1 = @(block_struct) mean(COL(block_struct....

2 giorni ago | 0


Issue while plotting the equation
Vfb=1.2; phit=0.026; Nd=1e19; ni=1.5e10; q=1.6e-19; Tsc=10^-6; tox=0.8*10^-7; W=10^-4; L=10^-4; eox=25*8.8*1e-14; esi=...

2 giorni ago | 0

Multiply and integrate functions
a11 = 3; a22 = 6; P1n = @(x,y) (-1/4 + y/4); P2n = @(x,y) (-1/4 - y/4); P3n = @(x,y) (1/4 + y/4); P4n = @(x,y) (1/4 - y...

2 giorni ago | 1


Generating atleast 80 bit input for the matrix.
Use string objects: those can be 2D bytes = randi([0 255], 1, 10) bytes_as_char = char(bytes) char_as_string = string(bytes_a...

2 giorni ago | 0

Not compatable with the size
b(itr, :)=[sin(t) cos(t)]; c(itr,:)=[t 1-t^2]; First iteration, b and c each become 1 x 2 because they were not ...

2 giorni ago | 0

Plotting audio signal with number of samples
n = 5000; [x,fs]=audioread('Song.wav'); idx = 1:n; subset = x(idx,:); t = (idx-1)./fs; plot(t,subset) xlabel('time') ylab...

2 giorni ago | 0


How do I estimate 15 parameters with the least square method for a non-linear objective function MATLAB?
我遇到一个奇怪的地方。当我执行这个code on my system, I do not get the "badly scaled", and I get a much better out...

2 giorni ago | 1

Character vectors and strings in the first argument can only specify a variable or number.
change myEqn = sym('teta0rad =(6*CT/(smr*Cla_r))-(0.75*tetatwrad+(1.5*sqrt(CT/2)))'); newEqn = subs(myEqn,{'teta0rad','...

3 giorni ago | 0


when i run this,output is showing z= an empty set and giving an warning ''Unable to find symbolic solution''.How to find symbolic solution?
syms N(t) r K A N1 ode = diff(N,t) == r*N*(1-(N/K))*((N/K)-(A/K)) cond=N(0)==N1 z= dsolve(ode) That tells you that there are...

3 giorni ago | 0

How to show only the same variable
common_values = intersect(intersect(Name, adress), company); N = length(Name); NName = strings(N, 1); mask = ismember(Name,...

3 giorni ago | 1


Cannot find explicit solution
You have an equation involving a variable raised to a non-integer floating point power. How can you possibly expect to get an in...

3 giorni ago | 0


find positive and nonzero roots of function matlab
f = @(x) sin(x) - x/10; fplot(f, [-11, 11]); yline(0) You can see from this that there are 7 solutions. You can read the appr...

3 giorni ago | 0

How to convert 3d text file into dicom
filename = '//'; data = readmatrix(filename);...

3 giorni ago | 0

counting number of bounding boxes at live webcam
Do not do any image() or imshow() inside the if size(BB,1) >= 1 % if a face is found Instead, before that statement, copy pict...

3 giorni ago | 0

How to merge 10 variable in a MAT file into single variable?
%it turned out that not all of the data is the same length, so we have to %figure out what the longest field is, and initialize...

3 giorni ago | 0


Does MATLAB support Intel i9-12900k CPU and Nvidia A100 GPU?
// "At first, A...

3 giorni ago | 0

What is a double matrix?
retime() works fine with single precision. dates = datetime('2000-01-01') + calmonths(0:3:35).' data = randn(size(dates), 'sin...

3 giorni ago | 0

Whether student version of MATLAB is available in India? If available how to install it?
Visit // India is not one of the countries that ...

3 giorni ago | 0


why is my matlab showing blank figures?
which plot will show you that you are using a third-party function named plot instead of the built-in MATLAB plot function.

3 giorni ago | 0

Why does inequality give different values even though its evaluating the exact same matrix ??
sort(td(td(:,5) < 11.29)) td is a 2D array with multiple columns. You construct a mask from one of the columns, and you use it ...

3 giorni ago | 0


How can I transmit JPG file within in 8bit array for visible light communication
filename = 'flamingos.jpg'; img = imread(filename); bitstream = reshape((dec2bin(img(:), 8) - '0').', 1, []); reconstructed...

3 giorni ago | 1


How to plot a 3D wire frame from a given set of nodes?
[cX, cY, cZ] = cylinder(); %radius 1, points up z fig = figure(); ax = axes('Parent', fig); tf(1) = hgtransform(ax); tf...

3 giorni ago | 0

How can I evaluate a matrix of values?
V_wind=3.398; rho=1.13; D_c=.002; mu=1.89e-5; S_c=.002133; Pr=.707; k_air=.02699; k=200; L_c=.01; T_inf=25; N_c=128; ...

3 giorni ago | 0


Subscript no. 1 is out of range.
Your code works. However, it would not work if you just happened to have a variable named tf in your workspace. Notice that pro...

3 giorni ago | 0

指数在位置2超过数组绑定(不得exceed 1)?
A = [ 1 2 -4; 1 1 4; 0 -1 4]; B = [0 ;0; 10]; C = [ 0 0 1]; D = 0; poles = [ -0.5-1i -0.5+1i -0.7]; Kt = place(A,B,poles); ...

3 giorni ago | 0

Sum the elements of an array by sequence
X=[1 4 15 6 7 5 3 2 11 13 1 7 8 13 2 5 9 3 2 11 13 1 7 8 6 7 5 13 5 9] sum(reshape(X, 5, []))

3 giorni ago | 0


Euler method empty plot
%Variables T = 1; L = 1; Nt = 1000; dt = T/Nt; Nx = 1000; dx = L/Nx; k1 = 10; k2 = 0.1; L12 = 0.1; L1 = 0.7; L2 = 0.2...

3 giorni ago | 0

How can I make the program count the number of decimals of an inputted amount
withdrawAmount = input ('Enter amount to Withdraw '); Is there anyway the program could count the number of decimals entered fo...

3 giorni ago | 0


how to vectorize a parameterized surface
funx = @(r,th) r .* cos(th) ; funy = @(r,th) r .* sin(th); funz = @(r,th) 500-real(sqrt((4*125.*(r .* sin(th)+125))-(r .* cos(...

3 giorni ago | 0

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