

您可以在Policies and Statements页。

2. Can other MATLAB Drive users access my MATLAB Drive?

Unless a folder is explicitly shared, other users cannot access your MATLAB Drive files in the MathWorks Cloud. Access is granted via your MathWorks Account credentials. You should not share this information with anyone else. If you use MATLAB Drive Connector, which maintains a synchronized copy of your files in a local MATLAB Drive folder, then your files may be accessible to anyone who has access to your computer.

3. MATLAB驱动器中的文件有多安全?

To access your MATLAB Drive in the MathWorks cloud, you need your MathWorks Account user name and password. All communication with MATLAB Drive servers is secured using TLS. If you use MATLAB Drive Connector, which maintains a synchronized copy of your files in a local MATLAB Drive folder, then the files are only as secure as your computer.


An individual file can't be larger than the size of your storage quota.

5.我在Matlab Drive中有多少存储空间?

拥有Mathworks帐户的任何人都有250 MB的存储配额。如果您的数学帐户与以下MATLAB许可之一相关联,并且该许可证最新软件维护服务,您的存储配额增加到5 GB:


当您将Mathworks帐户与MATLAB许可证(请参阅上面的合格许可类型)相关联时,您可以将配额增加到5 GB。当前,无法购买额外的存储或以其他方式增加存储配额。


the License Center。You will need your license number, which you can get by typing “license” at the MATLAB prompt.



  • 保存或修改文件
  • Create new files or folders
  • 上传文件或文件夹
  • 移动文件或文件夹
  • 重命名文件或文件夹
  • 共享文件夹或接受共享文件夹

MATLAB DRIVE在线will notify you as MATLAB Drive gets close to the quota and provide a different notification when your MATLAB Drive reaches or surpasses the quota.

在桌面上,如果您在MATLAB驱动文件夹中进行这些活动中的任何一个,则没有任何更改将与Mathworks Cloud同步。MATLAB驱动器连接器将相应地通知您。


You can do this by deleting files from your MATLAB Drive. Files in the Deleted Files area do not count against your storage quota.


可以从已删除的文件区域中恢复文件MATLAB DRIVE在线,只要文件在那里。


Files in the Deleted Files area are removed automatically after 30 days. This may happen even sooner if you consume too much storage in the Deleted Files area.



13. Can I recover files after permanently deleting them?



It is a utility that installs locally, enabling MATLAB Drive on your desktop. You can install it from theMATLAB驱动器页面

15. MATLAB驱动连接器会在我的操作系统上工作吗?


16.MATLAB连接器需要开车吗MATLABto be installed on the same computer?


17. MATLAB DRIVE连接器是否可以使用我安装的MATLAB版本?

MATLAB驱动器连接器是一个单独的应用程序,可同步您的文件并提供通知,而与MATLAB版本无关。当前版本的MATLAB驱动器连接器还与MATLAB R2017A集成在一起,从而使使用MATLAB的MATLAB驱动器更容易使用。

18.什么是Matlab Drive在线?

It provides browser-based access to and management of your MATLAB Drive. You可以登录使用您的数学帐户。

19. Does accepting a shared folder count toward my MATLAB Drive data storage quota?




21. Will my MATLAB Drive contents be available if I am inactive for a prolonged amount of time and a lapsed Software Maintenance Service?

请参考文档regarding the your saved content长时间不活动之后。