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进口, visualize, and preprocess experimental data, including Excel, CSV, SAS XPORT, and NONMEM

进口tabular data from files to estimate model parameters. Supported file types include Excel®, text, SAS®XPORT, and NONMEM®-formatted files. Visualize and categorize the data in theSimBiology Model Analyzerapp or at the command line. Use the time course data of measured drug concentrations to perform noncompartmental analysis (NCA) and calculate PK parameters.


SimBiology Model Builder Build QSP, PK/PD, and mechanistic systems biology models interactively
SimBiology Model Analyzer Analyze QSP, PK/PD, and mechanistic systems biology models


groupedData2table Convert groupedData object to table
sbionca Compute noncompartmental analysis (NCA) parameters (requiresStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)
sbioncaoptions Specify options to calculate noncompartmental analysis (NCA) parameters
sbionmimport 进口NONMEM-formatted data
sbionmfiledef NONMEMfile definition object for sbionmimport
sbiotrellis Plot data or simulation results in trellis plot
sbioplot Plot simulation results in one figure
sbiosubplot Plot simulation results in subplots


groupedData Table-like collection of data and metadata
SimData Simulation data

Examples and How To

App Workflow

Programmatic Workflow

  • 进口ing Data
    SimBiology lets you import tabular data from external sources programmatically.
