Dynamic modeling of Three-phase Induction Motor

バージョン 4.6 (41.5 KB) 作成者: ABID MANSURI
This simulation is properly working only in MATLAB 2017 and higher version of MATLAB

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This simulation is usefull to understand the Dynamic (Mathematical) modeling of Three-phase Induction Motor.
Modeling equations and it’s solution for how to easily implement equations in MATLAB Simulink is explain in below link
Also Download this file (above link) for batter understand of Equation of Mathematical Modeling of Three Phase Induction Motor.
I hope it is very helpful to you.
Thank you....


ABID MANSURI (2022).Dynamic modeling of Three-phase Induction Motor(//www.tianjin-qmedu.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/71885-dynamic-modeling-of-three-phase-induction-motor), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2017a
Windows macOS Linux

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