where can i get original Matlab code of an algorithm published in a research paper?
Ask the author of the paper. Sometimes they provide the code. Don't be surprised, if the code does not run on your computer. I'...

9日 前 | 0

How to set even spacing between preset tick marks
What do you exactly want as output? Beside the possibility to do this in Matlab, think twice if the person can understand the o...

9日 前 | 1


Out of memory error message when attempting to plot in 3D
function dxdt = g(t,f) dxdt=g(t,f) ... end This function calls itself recursively. Of course this let Matlab crash. What is ...

9日 前 | 0


Un smoothing set of saved data
不。平滑破坏了的信号noise. You cannot reconstruct it.

9日 前 | 0


Weird behavior of ODE45?
It is still not clear, what this means: "the initial condition 'uF' wasn't updated correctly" When I run your code, I do see th...

10日 前 | 0


How to set axes in a figure without displaying the figure
axes(ax1) activates the already created axes with the handle ax1. [EDITED] And it enables the visibility of the figure automatic...

10日 前 | 0

problem in my programme
I guess, the problem is hidden here: function f=costf(a,b,c,x) ... f=sum(a.*x.^2+b.*x+c) ... out=fx+sum(penalty,2);...

11日 前 | 0

how do i resolve this ode45 problem
Your expression contains unbalances parentheses: Vof=@(t) Vo(1+ceil(t.*fo.*(length(t)-1)); 4 opening ( but only 3 closing ). ...

11日 前 | 0

Under Windows, files are not case-sensitive in general, but under Linux and MacOS they are. For code without dependencies on the...

11日 前 | 0

How to define a specific limit coordinates in the figure?
The limits are no property of the figure, but of the axes. Simply set fixed limits, e.g. here: set(handles.axes1,'XGrid','on','...

11日 前 | 0


Asking the user to enter the extension of the files and load all of them in the current directory
Folder = 'C:\Users\Kumsa\Desktop\OCM_MAT'; List = dir(fullfile(Folder, '*.*')); [~, ~, AllExt] = fileparts({List.name}); Al...

11日 前 | 0

How can I find a specific toolbox
You can download the code from an internet archive: Start at https://archive.org/web/ Then type in the dead web address I've p...

12日 前 | 0

How can I see and modify frames in a filename.mat?
I assume, that ypu want to show e.g. the frame corresponding to a certain value of tvec. Remember, that comparisons of floating...

13日 前 | 1

How to find the intersection points of a plot that contains multiple straight lines?
N = 5; %number of spawns X1 = rand(1,N) - 0.5; X2 = X1; Y1 = rand(1,N) - 0.5; Y2 = Y1; D = pi * rand(1,N) - pi/2; sD = si...

13日 前 | 0


Invalid expression, check for mismatched delimiters. Trying to form a matrix using brackets.
What is the meaning of this line: fabcr=mag.(cos(ang)+jsin(ang)); This treats "mag" as a struct and tries to interprete "cos(a...

13日 前 | 1


Can anyone help me optimize the if statements in For loops to make the code faster?
The loops look fine. I'd omit the J=triu(J_org), because you use the upper triangle only inside the code Vectorizing the inner ...

13日 前 | 1


I have a 4x4 array of 1's and I need to turn 3 of 4 ones to zero per row at random. So there will be a one 1 left in each row.
Instead of starting with ones and set all but one to zero, it is cheaper to start with zeros and set one element to 1 per row: ...

14日 前 | 0


How do I do an if greater than or less than for a if statement
if f <= -8 || f >= 8 error('f is outside the valid range') end Alternative: if abs(f) >= 8

14日 前 | 0

Generate array with a specified number of random songs from folder
piesele = {'1.mp3'; '2.mp3'; '3.mp3'; '4.mp3'; '5.mp3'; '6.mp3'; '7.mp3'; '8.mp3'; '9.mp3'; '10.mp3';... '11.mp3'; '12.mp3'...

14日 前 | 0

Sorting rows into colums
A = rand(1020, 12); B = reshape(A.', 120, 12);

15日 前 | 0


Get many numbers out of a file
What about: B_key = 'B'; % Or maybe: sprintf('\nB\n') C_key = 'C'; % Or maybe: sprintf('\nC\n') Str = fileread('exampl...

15日 前 | 1


Remove menubar from a figure BUT leaving the toolbar
You mention the toolbar of the axes. This should not disappear if you remove the toolbar of the figure. Which Matlab version ar...

16日 前 | 0

Setting box size in Figure
You can set the position (including the dimensions) of an axes as the "Position" (this is the InnerPosition), "TighInset" or "Ou...

16日 前 | 0


正确的way to fetch data from a GUI with nested menus.
These lines define ComponentA and ComponentB as globals: global ComponentA; global ComponentB; The you do not use them as glo...

17日 前 | 2


Matlab not running from shell script (Ubuntu 18.04LTS)
Try this from the shell of the operating system: matlab matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop matlab -nosplash -r "isfil...

17日 前 | 0

How to control the variation speed of a generated random signal ?
Start with sorting the random values. Then mix the result partially: x = rand(1, 500); y = sort(x); z1 = [y(1:2:500), flip(y...

18日 前 | 0

Using addlistener function - how to output values from event handler?
function eventhandlerChanged(source,arg) % Open and read text file [f_ID, msg] = fopen('c:\work\temp\text_file.txt','r'); ass...

18日 前 | 1


When does R2016b (MATLAB 9.1) go end of support/ end of life
How do you define "life"? I run Matlab 6.5 successfully in a virtual machine under WindowsXP. MathWorks has published the last ...

18日 前 | 0

Can someone explain why in this code f3 and f2 are equal to (1048576,2)?
You mean: f3 = zeros(1048576,2); f2 = zeros(1048576,2); Here the variables f2 and f3 are defines as matrices with the dimensi...

19日 前 | 1

Create a Single Array From 3 different one
I'm not sure what "going row by row" means. Maybe x = rand(14, 4); y = rand(14, 4); z = rand(14, 4); xt = x.'; yt = y.'; ...

23日 前 | 1
