New Algorithm of Path Planning

버전 (5.23 MB) 작성자: Walid
The project is an algorithm to find a path of a robot to the target avoiding any obstacles.

다운로드수: 7K

업데이트 날짜:2011/1/9

라이선스 보기

In this present work, we present an algorithm for path planning to a target for mobile robot in unknown environment. The proposed algorithm allows a mobile robot to navigate through static obstacles, and finding the path in order to reach the target without collision. This algorithm provides the robot the possibility to move from the initial position to the final position (target). The proposed path finding strategy is designed in a grid-map form of an unknown environment with static unknown obstacles. The robot moves within the unknown environment by sensing and avoiding the obstacles coming across its way towards the target. When the mission is executed, it is necessary to plan an optimal or feasible path for itself avoiding obstructions in its way and minimizing a cost such as time, energy, and distance. The proposed path planning must make the robot able to achieve these tasks: to avoid obstacles, and to make ones way toward its target. The algorithms are implemented in Matlab, afterwards tested with Matlab GUI; whereby the environment is studied in a two dimensional coordinate system. The simulation part is an approach to the real expected result; this part is done using Matlab to recognize all objects within the environment and since it is suitable for graphic problems. Taking the segmented environment issued from Matlab development, the algorithm permit the robot to move from the initial position to the desired position following an estimated trajectory using Maps in Matlab GUI.

인용 양식

Walid (2022).New Algorithm of Path Planning(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨.

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2008b
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